February 15th, 2025

Jazz Society playing music throughout the year

By Alejandra Pulido-Guzman - Lethbridge Herald on July 2, 2022.

Herald file photo Chris Butcher, of the Heavyweights Brass Band, performs in Festival Square during a past year's Lethbridge Jazz Festival. The Lethbridge Jazz Society is moving from a single festival to a monthly event format.

LETHBRIDGE HERALDapulido@lethbridgeherald.com

The Lethbridge Jazz Society is bringing back jazz and blues in a different format for 2022 to be able to offer Lethbridge residents music events throughout the year.
“Rather than focusing on just the one-week festival we’re actually trying to do pretty much an event each month, all year round so actually spreading everything out,” said Kevin McKillop, marketing director for the Lethbridge Jazz Society.
He said there are multiple reasons for the change. This will allow them to reach out to artists that would not be able to perform in June, offer music events when post-secondary students are in the area and give residents something to look forward to every month.
“There are some post-secondary students who would probably be interested in attending some of our shows, so we want to make sure we’re offering our events when they are here,” said McKillop
President of Lethbridge Jazz Society, Mike Prociw said they are trying it out but it is not set in stone.
“We’re not married to it, it’s something we’re trying for now and if the results don’t align with what we thought they might, then we’ll look at things again and perhaps re-evaluate,” said Prociw.
He added that with the number of shows they were holding before in such a condensed timeframe, it put a bit of pressure on some of their patrons to attend multiple shows which might not be ideal for those with children and other activities to attend.
“We thought that maybe people would enjoy it a little more if they just have an opportunity to space things out while still getting to see some quality performances,” said Prociw.
McKillop said they have done a few events this year already, one in February, one in March and one in May. They had one planned for January but it was cancelled due to COVID-19 restrictions.
“Our next event is this Monday July 4,” said McKillop.
The Larnell Lewis Band featuring Joy Lapps will be performing at the Sterndale Bennet Theatre on Monday.
In August they will be co-hosting the Lethbridge Roots Music Festival with the Lethbridge Folk Club at Legacy Park and in September they will be hosting the Coulee Blues Festival.

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