October 23rd, 2024

Council being asked to fund lawlessness workshop

By Al Beeber - Lethbridge Herald on February 24, 2024.

LETHBRIDGE HERALDabeeber@lethbridgeherald.com

An official business motion will be presented to Lethbridge city council on Tuesday calling for funding to cover costs of hosting a lawlessness workshop for mid-sized Alberta cities.

The motion, to be presented by Acting Mayor John Middleton-Hope, says an opportunity exists for the workshop on May 2, a day before the Alberta Association of Police Governance Conference & Annual General Meeting which is scheduled for May 3-4.

The workshop’s purpose would be to discuss challenges and best practices and to develop a framework to lobby the provincial government to work with mid-sized cities on various matters including resourcing issues, federal Crown prosecution of drug offences and provincial prosecution services “to improve show-cause and reinforce the detention of violent criminals.”

Middleton-Hope’s motion says while resources have been provided to both Calgary and Edmonton to address issues such as lawlessness, crime and disorder, homelessness and housing, there has been displacement which has increased demands on the resources in Lethbridge and other mid-sized cities. And often there isn’t adequate funding and supports, says the motion.

Middleton-Hope’s motion says some strategies employed by mid-sized cities are working and they can learn from each other as well as well as advocate effectively.

The motion calls for funding of up to $2,500 from mayor and council’s budget allocation.

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Sharing thoughts is a great way to learn some new ways to deal with issues, however we must understand that Lethbridge issues have different factors in comparison to different urban areas.
One central factor is the nearness to the biggest reservation in Canada, with 3 others close by.
Lethbridge is at a different level or stage and has already dealt with issues other centers are still impacted by. Leadership have made some good decisions such as the encampment strategy which could be shared.
The lawlessness costs taxpayers millions in this city yearly and can be addressed by getting the courts on board while enforcing the laws the rest of us have to live by. There should be ramifications to lawless acts and at this moment there are not many been administered to those who commit the crimes! This only amplifies the issues!