October 23rd, 2024

Downtown residents frustrated with crime and lack of progress

By Lethbridge Herald on July 2, 2024.

Barry Ewing, a resident of downtown, stands in front of a needle drop box in Galt Gardens near a location he says he is regularly harassed by loiterers. Herald photo by Justin Sibbet

Editor’s note: This is the first article in a three-part series.

Justin Sibbet – LETHBRIDGE HERALD – Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

As alarms are blaring, vehicles are broken into and human feces litter the streets, the situation in downtown Lethbridge is deteriorating, according to some residents.

Barry Ewing lives in a condo downtown and says residents are tired of the current situation facing their community.

“We’re all tired of this. We’re all tired of the alarms from businesses, who are just trying to protect their staff and property, going off all day and all night,” said Ewing.

“We’ve had the piles of feces, the urine constantly happening at our back doors or our front doors. The loitering, the threats, we all have to deal with it.”

Providing a copy of a presentation he made at City Hall, Ewing says many businesses downtown have resorted to motion sensor alarms, but the only effect is annoyed residents.

“These alarms destroy the peaceful enjoyment of the dwellings of over 500 residents who live in the area, within the alarms’ range.” 

He indicates in the document that this is primarily a problem because the alarms do not do anything to prevent crime as a tangible deterrent. In fact, he says a building downtown has even become a base of operations for criminals during the night, despite the alarms blaring.

“These alarms do not work long-term and now the addicts have become embedded and will be much harder to remove long-term, with the hookers using it as their base and (random men) driving up in the alley and picking them up.”

However, Ewing says his concern with a loud alarm is simply a small piece in the greater puzzle damaging downtown Lethbridge.

“(When) a 70-year-old man has to go out and move people away from doing damage to a business, that’s wrong,” said Ewing. “When you go to the post office to check your mail and get assaulted for asking somebody (who is actively urinating on the sidewalk) to go use the washroom across the alley, that’s wrong.”

Furthermore, Ewing says crimes occur in broad daylight and are often inhibitive of his, and other residents’, ability to walk safely downtown. 

In a video shown to the Lethbridge Herald, Ewing was attempting to walk through Galt Gardens during the daytime when he was confronted for having his phone out. A woman is heard saying “Put your (expletive) camera down,” before approaching him, though the situation did not escalate beyond the exchange of words.  

“I’m angry, I’ve had enough at that point and I have every right to walk through there,” said Ewing. “I could walk right up and take a picture of them, I have a right, they’re in a public place.” 

He says Lethbridge city council members,  such as councillor John Middleton-Hope and mayor Blaine Hyggen, as well as Lethbridge Police Service officers are working diligently to stop the problems downtown, but he says the situation is considerably less complex than it is made out to be.

“It’s pretty simple, enforce the laws.”

However, he says the laws are not being enforced due to a variety of factors. In fact, he claims there were multiple occasions when he was witnessing crimes in progress, called the police non-emergency line and was told to fill out an online form while no officers were ever dispatched.

“I got angry with (the dispatcher). I got upset. I said ‘well, what do you mean? I’m talking to you on the phone, this is an active crime happening.’”

Kristen, Saturley, spokesperson for the Lethbridge Police Service,issued a statement to the Lethbridge Herald saying LPS officers do enforce the laws, but things aren’t as black and white as a simple piece of legislation may suggest.

“Police enforce municipal, provincial and federal legislation every day. But the reality is, until the root causes of crime and disorder are addressed, simply issuing bylaw tickets and even arresting and charging individuals, is unlikely, in most cases, to change behaviours or provide a long-term solution. A collaborative approach is necessary to address the underlying issues that result in negative behaviours and crime.”

Meanwhile, Middleton-Hope says the low number of police recruits in previous years has been a partial cause for why downtown crime is “very much alive and well”, saying this type of problem is not exclusive to policing.

“If we don’t have enough firefighters and paramedics to respond to fires downtown or overdoses downtown, we’re going to experience the same kinds of problems,” said Middleton-Hope.

Indeed, he says the problems go beyond Lethbridge’s jurisdiction as well, plaguing every city in the nation.

“You go to Regina, Saskatoon, Winnipeg, the Lower Mainland, Victoria, they’re all dealing with the similar types of problems.” 

On the flip side, during a recent Standing Policy Committee meeting, LPS said they have increased their service by 18 officers over the past two years with more expected before 2024 is over. This number is in terms of net gain, not total officers hired.

Middleton-Hope says this is good progress and he hopes it continues to move along this trend. 

“Keep hiring, don’t stop,” said Middleton-Hope.

He says this is chiefly important because there is a lot more to keeping numbers than just hiring new officers.

“It’s managing the retention, which is members resigning, members retiring. That happens and it happens in a huge number.” 

During the same period as the new hires, just nine officers left the LPS through resignation or retirement, indicating a strong pattern of growth.

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Dennis Bremner

LAPS Spokemen said:“Police enforce municipal, provincial and federal legislation every day. But the reality is, until the root causes of crime and disorder are addressed,…………….” 
I will repeat the critical part of this statement from LAPS. “until the root causes of crime and disorder are addressed,…………….”
It is the elephant in the room that no one wants to talk about.
Middleton then says : “Indeed, he says the problems go beyond Lethbridge’s jurisdiction as well, plaguing every city in the nation. “You go to Regina, Saskatoon, Winnipeg, the Lower Mainland, Victoria, they’re all dealing with the similar types of problems.” 
If you do the same thing as all the other cities do, why would you expect a different resu;lt?
“Social Acceptability and Political Correctness” If you accept as a Society, defecating on your streets, lawlessness, crime, and prostitution, it will flourish.
If you aee so afraid of your church or afraid to be removed from the “Party invite list: Then, you reap what ypu sew”
I have had an upclose and personal confrontation that support this “in the name of the Lord” and you might as well talk to a brick wall.
Lethbridge Cannot Have it both ways. You either sit down with the Churches and Social Services Groups and tell them you can no longer afford to have them ruin the downtown, or you live with the results. It really is that easy. Mr Ewing, can rant about the problems all he wishes, but he is and was one of the first to dismiss a plan that would have put a facility on the outskirts of town for Addicts.It would have moved them out of the city center and would have resulted in assisting Standoff and Lethbridge.
Eventually, and reluctantly, people will realize this is the ONLY answer, not liking it, is irrelevant to me, either you talk about the Elephant, fix the elephant, or you live with the Elephant, it is entirely your choice. From what I see, Lethbridge is AOK with the status quo.
There will be the occassional meeting where people will stand up and rant, but at the end of the day, there is no collective will in this city to correct the problem! I will give you an example. The day the city bylaw officer came down on Streets Alive “for the foot washing bit” the City hall was PACKED with supporters.
When anyone is against ruining the downtown and speaks up, you can hear and see the echo of your thoughts ivapourizing n the City Hall empty room. Politicians Generally react to Crowds. If you have no support and no one shows up to stop this stupidity and you get your 5 minutes while they barely tolerate what you have to say, why would you expect any change?
Contrary to what Mr Ewing is saying, this is not a Police issue, its a Societal Issue It only becomes a Police Issue when the Police sees Society not accepting what is happening, it is react only. Police are not here to babysit. They are not here to rush down to give a ticket to someone peeing on the sidewalk. If they did, the person would never pay the fine because too many people say “he has a disease, needs to be respected while destroying your city” Amen!

If you demand an Addict be respected, if you demand an Addict, be given a free ticket in life and needs to earn NOTHING and is held accountable, for NOTHING! If you believe that an Addict has more priviledges then a Senior, then you have a Societal Problem. I am with the LAPS spokesperson, but will be more blunt, SORT IT OUT LETHBRIDGE, WHAT DO YOU WANT??
This little rant is my way of saying I told you so. Not trying to be a know it all, just telling you I have many T shirts, and THEY ARE really really old.
What you are doing, and likely what you are planning to do, WILL NOT WORK. How do I know? Look at all the other cities who get or have gotten brilliant ideas before you, how is that workin?

How do you correct this? Make EVERYTHING an ADDICT does, unacceptable in your society. So you are not confused. Lethbridge has made it acceptable for addicts to do what they do by not demanding something else, period! Once you show that this is totally unacceptable you will get response from LAPS, Council etc. You then move to enforce that new level of unacceptability. But, before you do, you must have a place “somewhere” to send them, for their pattern of unacceptability. Waiting for the judiciary is out, takes to long and does not work, period!
It can’t be jail or prison because the drugs are as readily available there as on the streets. This place, must besafe, provide services, and offer food and shelter. Think Senior Citizens home where an absentee raises an Amber Alert. Seems we have no issue locking up Senior’s for the major crime of “senility” but we can’t seem to do so for the “Paper Clip, speaking in tongues, that robs you blind” on McGrath?
So in direct Response to Mr Ewing and his proclamation of “Enforce the Law and its that simple”,………………………………… no, it is not!
You have yourself a nice day!
PS Do you know what should not be Acceptable in this community? Wholesale Rezoning (Trudeau) and LHA’s plan to house the homeless throughout this community! I only have one problem with that! The “Homeless” include Addicts, if it didn’t I would have no problem with it. at all! So the downtown problem will soon become “the street you live on, problem”! Couple that with LHA’s credo of “We house them, we are not responsuble for them” and the whole of Lethbridge has a bigger problem!
May I say this again for the 400th time….WAKE UP LETHBRIDGE!

Last edited 3 months ago by Dennis Bremner

You again continue with your misleading and factless rant! I am tired of your lies and misinformation.
I was not against the camp Alvin Mills was running and attended the opening last year in Standoff to support Alvin. I am against it being in Kipp and common sense, which alludes you, and which I have tried to explain to you several times is:
You will not get the people off the streets who are out all night committing the crimes, providing prostitution services, sell drugs, etc., because downtown is the where they conduct their operations.
I can only state that you keep misleading people in this lie and I am tired of it. Alvin knows I support his camp and wish him well, but you want your own camp built and do not even see the need for water or sewage, the very basics.
I will not argue with you in this forum. You have my phone number and my email address but chose to attack me in this forum so all can see! But I know you prefer to attack so everyone can here you . . . because that is your personality.
I have put almost 500 hours of my own time into this crisis this year, volunteering my time and over 3,000 of my hours in trying to stop the SCS, then fighting to close it, then the shut down the LOPS tent, then fight for effective treatment programs, stop encampments, etc.
I attended the opening of Alvin Mills camp last year . . . where were you? I have attended the police information sessions, committee meetings and the task force meetings . . . didn’t see you at any! I have researched the issues across North America to keep up with what is working and the move by many to end the carnage on our streets! Judging by your comments you continue to sit back, judge everyone else and continue to whine because no one agrees with YOUR camp, your scheme!
You mentioned London, Ontario in another rant, stating their Lawlessness task force failed . . . yet you fail to look deeper why! London has been going down the same rabbit hole as BC, including safe supply drugs being handed out, which are then sold to organized crime who re-distributes them.
London’s task force was made up of different members and our task force has a completely different membership.
I have tried to explain to you that it isn’t just sending out police to move people along . . . yet you fail to listen. In fact, I think you are fixated on just attacking me . . . so continue being a troll! I will not respond anymore!
I am tired of your constant attacks against me, and I think you are mad because I walked away from supporting you after you misled who supported you and the people who came to the Is Lethbridge Dying meeting at Honkers, which was supposed to be a sharing of issues, but you used it to push for support for your camp. I took the time to speak with others after that meeting and there was a lot of great people who had experiences to share, but were not given a chance, one whose son was a paramedic, another who lost their child to the addiction crisis . . . and I am not sure what you hate is for God is . . . you make it sound like I am standing on the corner, pushing God on everyone . . . that is between you and God . . . get over it! I rarely bring up God with non-believers, because I believe God is the one who moves the person, not me!
I am growing weary of your attacks and this is the last time I respond to the many more I am sure are coming from you!
I don’t have the time! My focus is getting our city, parks and downtown back from the crisis and ending the carnage on our streets and I have no time to argue with someone who just wants to argue!


Thank you Barry! We stand with you!

Dennis Bremner

Tired of my lies? No lies have been said on my end. I am not attacking you Barry, I am attacking your ideas, big difference. I have no issue with you, at all. As far as hours spent, I can match your hours and triple them with ease. I have spent time in numerous “Fix Rooms” over the years.
You said: I was not against the camp Alvin Mills was running and attended the opening last year in Standoff to support Alvin.
My answer, Alvin wanted out of Standoff and tried to get back where he was in Kipp, because he understands, just as I do, Standoff and Lethbridge both don’t work as “Great spots to cater too”
You said: You will not get the people off the streets who are out all night committing the crimes, providing prostitution services, sell drugs, etc., because downtown is the where they conduct their operations.
My Answer: You will if you relocate the Addicts because the Police Force will be adequate to meet our needs.
You said: I attended the opening of Alvin Mills camp last year . . . where were you? 
My Answer: trying to get my BP down from 200/190
You said: I have tried to explain to you that it isn’t just sending out police to move people along . . . yet you fail to listen. In fact, I think you are fixated on just attacking me . . . so continue being a troll! I will not respond anymore!
My Answer: Honest this isn’t about you, so don’t make it about you. PoliceForces around the world require to increase every year, both in good times and in bad recruiting times. If the reason you have to recruit is because a city has made a social irresponsible decsion, then recruiting will always lag the problems created.
You said: I am tired of your constant attacks against me, and I think you are mad because I walked away from supporting you……………..
My Answer: I can assure you, your lack of support for my idea, as well as the rest of Lethbridge, was fine with me, in fact it has gotten downtown Lethbridge where it is today. I could further forecast how bad it will get but Sophie R will no doubt Pooh-pooh it because it hasn’t happened yet.
You said: Hate for God-
My Answer: I just find he is never around when you need him/her and people on earth decide they know exactly what he meant when he said what he said.So suddenly you are marching to numerous ammendments / deletions or conveniently profitable tunes.
You said: I am growing weary of your attacks and this is the last time I respond to the many more I am sure are coming from you!
My Answer: I have one name on this board, unlike others.
You said: I don’t have the time! My focus is getting our city, parks and downtown back from the crisis and ending the carnage on our streets and I have no time to argue with someone who just wants to argue!
My Answer; Then don’t read my posts, pretty easy, really. I am allowed an opinion, just because you don’t like it, is not my concern. If you are successful in your pursuit then I will have to mention it to the thousands before you with the same noble cause and the “same ammunition”.
A lesson I have learned long ago, when criminals addicts and prostitutes move in, and society makes room, then the rule of law moves out.

Last edited 3 months ago by Dennis Bremner

Barry is supported by many business owners with whom I have spoken. Bremner, you are out of line. We support Barry because we witness and experience the issues on a daily basis!

Dennis Bremner

Ihave no idea who you are or whether you tell the truth? It is easy to run off at the mouth when no one knows who you are. For all we know you could be Barry’s brother. So the relevance you think you ad, is just fog in the night.


I own a downtown business and have known Barry for six years since the Safe Drug Consumption Site opened and had an impact on our business. I have met you and will stop there.
 I likewise come to work in the first part of the day and see the issues that unfolded during the night from my video cameras and have sustained damage multiple times to my property throughout the years from individuals who loiter the entire evening. 
We are not in any agreement on the issues you and I, and I consider your arguments against Barry offensive, since he has a well thought out plan that will work. I concur with him that you have all the earmarks of being centered around your encampment strategy and that it will neglect to manage the issues we face on our streets. It is simple for somebody to judge when the don’t live it day to day and rarely are downtown!
I’m not Barry’s sibling or any connection to him, but rather I think of him as a friend and will keep on standing with him. It appears he is quiet as you attempt to destroy each word in his response to you.

Last edited 3 months ago by R.U.Serious
Dennis Bremner

You will find, if you look, the website is gone and so is my efforts to promote the camp. So your comments suggest I am bias because I am still promoting the camp. I am not. I do know what will work and what will not, however. So when I see efforts that resemble previously failed efforts, I should not speak up, is that correct , whomever you are?
I have no argument with Barry at all. I think his efforts are noble and thank him for them. Where we differ is results of his or anyone elses efforts. The “Washing of the feet” efforts by others just ensures a dead addict with clean feet, or a criminal with clean feet.
Now if you take a moment and ask the feet washers, well they are doing a noble thing and they are seeing results.
Like every other “result” the number is an intangible. This is why you never see how many people rehab’d in the last X years. The system that is built is meant to fail. Graduation is broken up in 3 or 4 different rehab sections. So each section can claim X graduates but of course no follow up.
So for the Hundreds of Millions spent, we cannot confirm more than a handful of successes. In fact less than 1% stay clean.
So now for the “tactless” numbers (tact being my greatest weakness) About 30% die per year of a cities drug population in the group I call Group 1 and 2. Group 1 is street walkers and Group 2 are housed addicts.
During that same year where 30% die, more than 30% join the Group 1 and 2 numbers. So every year, you have about 75-90 dying but 90-110 joining the ranks of the addicted. Some migrate from Group 3 (Weekend users) to Group 2, and some Group 2s migrate to group 1 keeping shelters at or exceeding max occupancy.
During that time you have 1% rehab. So in lethbridges case 270ish addicts, 2.7people rehab and stay clean.
So, you seem to be a fairly smart woman/man, do the math and tell me whether a plan to police them to death will work with a non supportive judiciary?
Then tell me if you think “the plan” Barry is executing or participating can handle those numbers on a never ending increase per year?
So, you and Barry may think I am attacking Barry, I am attacking what Barry is executing. Now I quite realize that I do not have the secret decoder ring and am not part of the inner sanctum of what is happening. But I have watched without decoder ring EVERYTHING fail for 50 years and each time told, I don’t have the decoder ring to make the assumption.

Last edited 3 months ago by Dennis Bremner

any idea why that site is delisted? i feel the approach shared there is the best of what has to date been put forth.


Looks like we’ll have to build more cafés downtown.

Dennis Bremner

Hi Sophie would you still feel safe walking to them at 11Pm?

Last edited 3 months ago by Dennis Bremner

Sure. If they’re full of the police Middleton-Hope wants to hire.

But you forget that I live and work downtown. I’ve never felt threatened at any time of the day or night. Of course, I’m not logging hours trying to agitate them, either.

Enough about me. Carry in with the Foghorn Leghorn showdown.


while i am not up for a dark night stroll through galt gardens, downtown seems safe enough still. people hanging in parks and on corners is not what i see as a concern, so long as folk are peaceable. fires and going to the bathroom on the property of another, as well as loitering on private property, is another matter, though. perhaps being a business owner has more risk and challenges than those of us that frequent downtown as customers?


“Of course, I’m not logging hours trying to agitate them, either.” 🙂
i suppose as long as we are so focused on the tinier riff raff in society, the biggest purveyors of crime and destruction – big corp/puppet govts/the upper 1% of the top 1% wealth holders get to do their thing without much scrutiny. more police mostly protects the worst of our society when we break it down.

Last edited 3 months ago by biff

there is a problem in our city, and in a growing number of cities (save for coaldale, it seems), and this common problem is getting worse. no argument there. mitigating it, however, seems to have many outlooks, but little is happening to change much of anything.
two key factors to be addressed: putting a stop to what is happening now that is compromising the rights of individuals in terms of safety, freedom, privacy, even quality of life, because of the actions and choices of another/others; and, indeed, making inroads toward addressing the root causes that too often lead to addictions and hardcore street life. without accounting for the latter, we will continue to have to deal with growing numbers that infringe upon the rights of others.
(i will take issue with one thing barry notes in the article, which is the idea we can be photographed [and, i suppose, recorded] simply because we are in a public space. it is one thing if the recording is to capture an illegal act, but quite another to have to give up a basic privacy because one simply is in a “public space.” given that privacy is an essential component of freedom, and given that it is impossible to live without being in “public”, recording law abiding folk without their consent should be acceptable under the law in a free society; moreover, it is rude. the right of someone wanting to take pictures should hardly trump the right of each to their privacy – and freedom).

Last edited 3 months ago by biff
Elohssa Gib

“Putting a stop to what is happening now that is compromising the rights of individuals in terms of safety, freedom, privacy, even quality of life, because of the actions and choices of another/others ….”

And so ends the sermon from the High Priest of personal choice regarding the COVID-19 vaccine. After all, wasn’t the message then “My body, my choice?” And if that choice resulted in the spread of a potentially-deadly virus to others, wasn’t that just the cost of personal bodily autonomy?

pursuit diver

Or the millions spent of our tax dollars that we worked hard for and now see those dollars wasted on countering the issues on our streets by paying all the non-profits to feed, clothe, supply drug paraphernalia, and other social services, when many of our own programs are cut in budgets. If you want to do drugs, fine, but when you destroy property and cost others because you don’t care are we supposed to just allow it?
Back in the 70’s many did drugs, but they didn’t destroy cities or their reputation internationally and they didn’t cost the taxpayers tens of millions. If you want to destroy your body with drugs, go for it, but don’t make the rest of us pay for it!


my outlook remains my body my choice. in fact, you may have read one of very many entries that argues for legal drugs and their use, and, to even provide legal opium and coca leaf to addicts so as to mitigate poisoning, overdosing, and crime that stems from feeding habits that are ravaged by prices stupidly inflated by our immoral and what should be illegal drug laws.
however, i also repeatedly state that our rights end at the rights of another. thus, we each have the right to our body and choices, but that set of rights is tempered by the rights of others to their choices, bodies, freedom, privacy. surely some one as smart as you can get to that point of understanding?
relative to those in question on the streets, there are those on the streets that are not infringing on the rights of others. however, the issue is with those that are infringing on the rights of others. and, i am not at all suggesting drug use is an infringement – indeed, your body your call. ditto liquor. but, one must be responsible for their actions when they compromise the rights of others. where do you have an issue with that?
seeing you choose to dredge up covid and forced vaxing – that is a my body my choice realm. however, knowingly sharing something that is deadly with another without their consent is another issue. perhaps during times of potentially deadly viruses we all still get treated to the same rights and freedoms?
you must feel good enough about torturing animals for your own sense of safety? you are so above all other life on this planet, even to the point of endless torture of other sentient life so as to try and lengthen and “better” your existence here?
if i had my way, there would be no creature torture. with that in mind, i say to hell with your mentality on that. i wonder: so as to prolong your life, or ameliorate your condition, could you actually continuously torture a sentient creature with your own hands? if not, it is ok if it is someone else doing it for you instead? seems so – upon which shelf do place your conscience of convenience? do you have one? or, do you choose ignorance as a go-to comfort cloak? or, is it simply that the likes of you and other supporters of serial animal torture see yourselves as god’s one and only – to hell with all else?

Last edited 3 months ago by biff
pursuit diver

The law of photography
Technically, photographers have the right to photograph anyone whenever someone is in a public place. This is due to Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms. All Canadians have the right to the freedom of expression, including photographing people in a public place.
Uttering threats

  • 264.1 (1) Every one commits an offence who, in any manner, knowingly utters, conveys or causes any person to receive a threat
  • (a) to cause death or bodily harm to any person;
  • (b) to burn, destroy or damage real or personal property; or
  • (c) to kill, poison or injure an animal or bird that is the property of any person.

Those who are committing the crimes are the criminals, not those who find themselves on the streets due to some unforeseen circumstances of their own!


Sorry Biff, you have no privacy in public, settled law.


to you and pursuit – thank you, i am aware but appreciate your sharing of fact on this. just stating a preference. the idea that photography/film gets dominance over one’s privacy is irking. and, just because one is in public does not mean they should be removed of their right to privacy.

Last edited 3 months ago by biff

I have been quiet for quite some time about this issue as it seems like we are just spinning our wheels. Here are the simple facts as i see it. Drug addicts are committing crimes in Lethbridge to feed their habit(s). If they kept to themselves and put their poison in their bodies, fine. If they ask for help, I’m all for giving them the best of treatment available. If they refuse to get help that is available and continue to break into businesses and homes, crap where ever they want and make others feel unsafe, then this is totally unacceptable behavior.
What gives anyone in our society the right to make others suffer because they decided at some time to start down a path of addiction? Sophie R. apparently feels safe walking and working downtown in Lethbridge. Good for you! Myself and my wife don’t! Does that mean there is something wrong with us? Are we the problem?
If I don’t stick my payment in the big yellow zone box downtown and I get a ticket, unless I pay up, I’m a major criminal.
Barry was quoted in the article; “However, he says the laws are not being enforced due to a variety of factors. In fact, he claims there were multiple occasions when he was witnessing crimes in progress, called the police non-emergency line and was told to fill out an online form while no officers were ever dispatched.”
Does that sound like a fair system? I guess unless someone is bleeding out on the sidewalk, it isn’t worth the time and effort to investigate a crime in progress.
Everyone always talks about the problems “downtown”. Has anyone been to other parts of the city and seen the issues of drug addicts performing and selling and doing drugs out in the open on the street? To name a couple, 13th Street North is becoming a major problem and many parts of Mayor Magrath Drive South. Like Dennis and others have warned, it is spreading.
In order to have some real action, I believe the best approach is for the law-abiding citizens of Lethbridge to form a large group and start making some real noise on a regular basis. If enough of us could really “get in the face” of the powers that be over and over until something was done, perhaps we could start seeing some real action.
I wish there was a way, or perhaps there is, for to start a class action suit against the city by a large number of citizens for us having to live in fear and the trauma that comes with that. (Sorry Sophie, you wouldn’t qualify).
IMO, to which I’m entitled too, I would like to see a clean sweep of the drug addicts in our city by giving them a choice. Sign up for rehab or leave town. I’m all for helping you, if you are willing to accept help. If not, get out and stay out or you will be arrested for trespassing. There are many other places to live your short sad life. B.C. would welcome you but you might want to hurry as they seem to be getting just a bit twitchy out there lately.
NOTE: I am not attacking you in any way Sophie and no Biff, I haven’t ordered my “Jack Boots” from Amazon yet. Remember that Biff? LOL I hope you are feeling better Dennis and have got that BP under control. Let me know when you are ready for a coffee.


I hear you Barry. I’ve lived it. Living on 6th street between 6th and 7th for 24 years I’ve witnessed the decline. If it’s not tied down it’s gone, if it’s nice it won’t be for long. How low can it go? We’ll see.