January 25th, 2025

No free parking in front of City Hall

By Al Beeber - Lethbridge Herald on July 13, 2024.

Herald photo by Al Beeber Parking stalls are seen outside of City Hall. The Economic and Finance Standing Policy Committee of city council has agreed with a recommendation to not implement free parking outside the building.

LETHBRIDGE HERALDabeeber@lethbridgeherald.com

City council will not be following through on an official business motion to implement free 15-minute parking in front of City Hall.

The Economic and Finance Standing Policy Committee of Lethbridge city council on Thursday agreed with a report submitted by parking co-ordinator Phillip Berg to maintain the status quo and both inform and educate visitors about the free 30-minute parking behind City Hall.

That was one of four options the SPC could have considered. Administration was tasked by city council on May 24 after it approved an official business motion directing administration to look into the feasibility, costs, benefits and other mechanism to implement the 15-minute grace period.

“Each option was developed considering available resources, leveraging existing technologies and equipment, and a review of considerations regarding benefits and constraints was developed for each one,” says the report.

The four options considered by administration included:

• Option 1. Utilize existing enforcement software to capture plates and return within 15 minutes to provide enforcement.

• Option 2. Use the traditional enforcement method of tire chalking.

• Option 3. Utilize existing payment software to provide a free 15-minute option.

• Option 4. Maintain status quo and inform and educate visitors of free parking behind City Hall.

The fourth option, says the report, maintains consistent on-street parking management across downtown, ensures equity for City Hall customers and other downtown customers, doesn’t cause customer confusion, utilizes stalls that are designated for people doing short-term business, allows modern parking management software to be used in the most efficient manner, is easy for customers to understand and provides five accessible stalls.

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