February 7th, 2025

Police look to put freeze on vehicle thefts

By Alejandra Pulido-Guzman - Lethbridge Herald on January 21, 2025.

Herald photo by Ian Martens A line of vehicles is seen parked in a commercial lot Monday afternoon downtown. Police are trying to prevent the theft of unlocked and unattended idling vehicles through their Operation Cold Start campaign.

LETHBRIDGE HERALDapulido@lethbridgeherald.com

Lethbridge Police Service, in partnership with multiple agencies across the province, will be once again trying to prevent the theft of unlocked and unattended idling vehicles through their Operation Cold Start campaign.

Const. Donald Realini with the community resource unit and youth engagement officer spoke to media Monday morning and said the operation cold start will take place between Jan. 20 and Jan. 24.

“This is an initiative that is coordinated through the Alberta Association of Chiefs of Police, that involves multiple agencies throughout the province, as a proactive step to help educate, bring awareness and reduce thefts,” said Realini.

He explained that the campaign has been running for five years formally, but before that there were many grassroots initiatives that eventually came under the umbrella of the Alberta Association of Chiefs of Police, which turned it into a more coordinated and targeted campaign.

For this campaign, members of the Community Resource Unit with LPS will be going out around the city looking for vehicles that have been left idling unattended that are unlocked, to have conversation with members of the public and create awareness of the hazards of leaving their vehicles unattended.

“We will also be providing information pamphlets to bring awareness to some of the safety concerns,” said Realini.

To avoid being a victim of theft, Realini suggests that people use their remote start option to warm up their vehicles as this keeps them locked, but for those with older vehicles that may not have that option, he says there are ways to make sure their vehicle is safe from theft while warming up.

“Stay in your vehicle and allow it to warm up, or in close proximity to the vehicle itself,” says Realini.

As of Monday morning, prior to Realini speaking to media, officer located four unattended idling vehicles with their doors unlocked and during the campaign in 2024, officers located 138 idling vehicles.

With the snow and drop in temperatures, police are asking motorists to do their part to prevent being victimized by using a steering wheel lock as a deterrent, by never leaving spare keys or garage door openers in or around their vehicle, by not leaving valuables in their vehicles including documents and never leave children or pets inside a running vehicle.

LPS is urging residents to be aware of their surroundings and if they observe a crime in progress to call 911.

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