February 8th, 2025

Nenshi nominated as candidate for Edmonton-Strathcona

By Al Beeber - Lethbridge Herald on January 24, 2025.

LETHBRIDGE HERALDabeeber@lethbridgeherald.com

Alberta NDP leader Naheed Nenshi is hoping to soon have a riding to call his new political home. Nenshi, elected leader of the party last year, was named this week as the party’s candidate for when a byelection is called for the riding of Edmonton-Strathcona.

The seat was held by former NDP leader Rachel Notley who stepped down as MLA on Dec. 30 after representing the riding for 16 years.

“Edmonton Strathcona is known across this province as the beating heart of our party. Home to our most dedicated activists, longtime members, and a launching ground for the incredible, one-of-a-kind leadership of Rachel Notley,” said Nenshi in a statement.

“It is with gratitude, humility and deep appreciation for your long-serving volunteering and efforts, that I accept the nomination to represent this remarkable area of our province in the provincial legislature.”   

Nenshi told the Herald last October he would jump at an opportunity to run for election when an opportunity arises after premier Danielle Smith said while campaigning with Lethbridge West UCP candidate John Middleton-Hope that in the interests of taxpayers she would prefer to have two byelections at the same time.

Smith eventually called the Lethbridge West byelection for December.

Nenshi won the NDP leadership last June when he received 86 per cent of the vote on the first ballot, garnering 62,746 votes to beat MLAs Kathleen Ganley, Jodi Calahoo Stonehouse and Sarah Hoffman.

In his Wednesday statement, Nenshi added “together, we will work hard to earn the support of our friends and neighbours and show them that they have a home in the Alberta NDP and, in 2027, we will deliver a smarter and more capable government that respects all Albertans.”

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Dennis Bremner

Wonder how Nenshi will backwater on his comments about “Team Canada” now that “Team Canada is joining Premier Smiths Position”? I have no fear that the NDP spin doctors will set the reverse spin, misspoke, badly quoted BS, very quickly”
Daniel Smith was 100% right from the onset and if Nenshi wishes to be part of Alberta Politics, he should stop getting his opinions from Facebook!

Last edited 15 days ago by Dennis Bremner

In her latest pronouncement, Danielle Smith believes Donald Trump can be swayed by diplomacy.
Do you seriously believe that Donald Trump is going to be won over by diplomacy amidst the backdrop of how he is threatening his own citizens? Did you know that he has now taken to threatening Russia in order to get his way?
Do you seriously believe that there can be ANY diplomatic approach with a bully?
“For Trump, a successful foreign policy is one in which each bilateral relationship means a greater benefit to the US than to the other side.” This is not diplomacy. Diplomacy is the art and practice of building and maintaining relationships and conducting negotiations with people using tact and mutual respect!

Dennis Bremner

Toddlers don’t respond to threats, toddlers respond to placation, to ego stroking, to giving the toddler his toys. Then if the toddler continues to act out, you start withdrawing the things he/she likes to play with and raising the level of admonishment.
Team Canada went straight to grand standing, threatening dollar for dollar or saying they would withdraw the toys, if you cannot see the difference, I can’t help you.
Yes, you do the cooresponding tarif routine and you come in hard AFTER you see whether the toddler continues with the tantrum. The toddler does not respond to threats, he (Trump) just makes up another lie to keep the “supposed Adults” in Ottawa in a state of panic. Which is amusing considering they said there is no panic…..till they panic’d.
The $200billion or $300billion deficit is not true, never was true and never will be true. Trump says they don’t need Canadian Oil 60% of US oil/gas comes from Canada. So when he proves he will not listen to reason….Feb 1 or whenever it is, you hit him between the eyes with a hammer, dragging a hammer around Ontario, or Ottawa weeks in advance just enrages the toddler! Trying to be the tough guy so it will impress, is childish, you are stooping to his level.

Last edited 14 days ago by Dennis Bremner

i don’t know, dennis. seems to me the best chance we have is one lucky sling shot, right between the eyes…oh, where is our david. i had best be clear – the scenario is not at all meant literally, just a means to wonder as to whether we have david that can measure up to goliath.

Last edited 13 days ago by biff

the primary reason there is so much int’l trade, and that that is ever so complicated and often seemingly redundant – such as canada importing saudi oil – is so the top of the pyramid can make their money. could canada be entirely self reliant? absolutely. could we be mostly self reliant and trade for a few extras, such as for fresh produce in the winter months? absolutely.
would that ever happen when it is greed and self service that are the primary forces to be satisfied – nope.
trump is right now the epitome of what our wonderful global economy is all about. and what are emerging as his disciples, the ever greedy and even utterly insane oligarchs, truly should make one wonder why one supports such a system.

Last edited 13 days ago by biff

i wonder how long it might be for at least some of the many that voted trump to come to terms with the reality that they voted for hate, intolerance, injustice, selfishness, greed, and might is right rationality.

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