February 6th, 2025

Plungers set to freeze for a good cause

By Alejandra Pulido-Guzman - Lethbridge Herald on February 5, 2025.

Herald photo file by Justin Seward Lethbridge Police Chief Shahin Mehdizadeh opens up last year's Law Enforcement Torch Run Polar Plunge with a splash at Henderson Lake. This year's event will have participants jumping into a bin instead of the lake due to the water quality.

LETHBRIDGE HERALDapulido@lethbridgeherald.com

Warning: your teeth might start chattering from reading this story.

The Lethbridge Police Service, in partnership with the Law Enforcement Torch Run, is encouraging Lethbridge and area residents to support the 2025 Polar Plunge this Saturday and brave the cold water with them.

Constable Braylon Hyggen, one of the event organizers, told reporters Tuesday that the event raises money and awareness for Special Olympics, while providing bragging rights to thrill-seekers ready to brave the icy water.

“This is our provincial-wide campaign, one of our biggest events that we host every year,” said Hyggen. “Here in Lethbridge, we are hoping to raise $20,000.”

He said this year the special Olympics have multiple events they are raising money for, including the World Games in Italy, with a figure skating from Coaldale attending and the provincial games in Grande Prairie this year with multiple athletes attending.

“This is a great year to donate for this cause,” said Hyggen.

In terms of the plunge itself, Hyggen told reporters that this year’s Polar Plunge is going to be slightly different.

“This year we will be jumping into a bin opposed to the lake due to the water quality, we thought for safety we will jump into a bin that has been donated by Litter Bug, and it will be cleaned out and filled up with water,” said Hyggen.

He added that after jumping into the cold-water bin, participants will once again be able to warm again in a hot tub provided by Artic Spa.

“We are hoping to get the water in there so it’s nice and cold. I remember a few years ago we did the plunge in a hot tub with cold water. We filled it up a couple of hours before and Chief Mehdizadeh had to break the ice on the top before we can jump in,” said Hyggen.

 Hyggen said there will be some extra things added to the event like “inclusion donuts.”

“The company sent them here a couple of days ago and Tim Hortons Scenic Drive South is making some more and bringing them over for us, from the #ChooseToInclude nation-wide campaign,” said Hyggen.

He said anyone from Lethbridge and Area can join them and jump in the bin as there is still time to register.

“They can register the day of, or go online and register,” said Hyggen. 

Individuals or teams can register in advance at https://soa.crowdchange.ca/80017 or at 10 a.m. at Henderson Lake on Saturday.

The cost to register is $50. Those who wish to donate to a team or individual can use the same link. Donations will also be accepted at the event. Tax receipts will be provided for amounts over $25.

This year, LPS is entering two teams. The Shivers – which includes Hyggen, Inspector Jason Dobirstein, Chief Shahin Mehdizadeh and Mayor Blaine Hyggen – along with a team made up of five current police recruits.

All plungers must be a minimum of 16 years old and, for safety reasons, there will be no diving, no cannonballs and no somersaults. Plungers must wear a swimsuit or other clothing (cool costumes are strongly encouraged). Change tents will be available on site, however there will be no secure storage for valuables.

“We always have prizes for the best dressed, so pick out a costume. Teams can dress in whatever they like. We’ve had from tutus to superheroes, so be creative, find a good costume and see if you can win a prize,” said Hyggen.

The Polar Plunge is scheduled for Saturday at Henderson Lake Park. Registration begins at 10 a.m. and the first plungers will enter the water at 11 a.m.

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Dennis Bremner

I used to do the “plunge” when in Halifax every year. Halifax Harbor at the time was not exactly the cleanest place because raw sewage was being pumped into it everyday. But, I would plunge into Halifax Harbor 30 times before I ever would in Henderson Lake.
There is enough Goose droppings in Henderson to fill the Agri Center! (Now there’s a use we never thought of?lol) There has to be some sort of disease waiting to happen? I quite realize that if you don’t churn it up, its better, but better than what? Surely a dunk tank with water out of a hydrant that was left out in the open to super chill would serve the same purpose?
I for one would vote for a common sense, less Disease prone alternative! I can’t imagine the Police Chief and others relish the idea of plunging into that sludge filled cesspool, called Henderson, for a good cause or not! You can see “Goosinator is a complete failure”, there are thousands of Geese there and things are not getting better.
You would not catch me “plunging into that Goose excrement pit” and its time we no longer put people in danger of some bird carried disease,especially in light of Bird Flu ?.
Has anyone thought about the what if….and who is liable if someone croaks? Some may feel this is a bit woke or over exaggeration, but I can assure you that after taking a Navy Diving course in Halifax harbor and puking my guts out for days……there may be a better alternative in 2025?
PS- a possible alternative, a fabric pool with floats around the edge to keep the fabric edges above water (a water bladder). City fills the fabric full of clean water “in Henderson Lake”. So you are still plunging into Henderson lake, just not plunging into Henderson Lake water.
Second option is a container with the iop cut off and doors welded shut. Stairs and a plaftorm to do the swan dive. Example- https://www.brainerddispatch.com/news/local/forestview-middle-school-polar-plunge-2023-klick-gallery
Or, even a lined dumpster….anything has to be better than the Henderson.

Last edited 1 day ago by Dennis Bremner

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