By Lethbridge Herald on March 4, 2025.
Americans are accusing President Trump of betrayal when they only have themselves to blame. Millions of misguided Americans believed that Trump, despite all the warnings, would bring down prices and create good jobs. Were Americans really listening? Trump told them what he would do, he told them what he was like, yet millions of gullible Americans blindly voted for him anyway.
So America, welcome to trumps world where billionaires have been given unprecedented political power, where migrants are vermin and fallen soldiers are deemed losers, where gutting Medicaid and social security is a good thing, where trade wars benefit no one and where unlimited executive power supersede court rulings, the U.S. Constitution and the democratic process.
This is just the beginning of what lies ahead for Americans. Trump must be a wake up call for all Canadians. We must not give in to this narcissistic bully. Tariffs must be met with tariffs. No longer can we put pipelines and inter-provincial trading barriers on the back burner. We cannot wait until our already fragile democracy and our economies are beyond repair. Stay unified, we can fight this tyrant.
Dave Volume
In Canada the people who “ rebelled “ against a narcissistic bully are in jail. Constitutional rights , what are they worth? Cater to the bully , listen to and accept his lies , or the goon squad and liberal judges will punish you.
What in God’s name are you talking about? (If you are referring to the convoy, think again. Your description reads more like a condemnation of Trump) So again, “what are you talking about?
It appears that many American voters are now sorry they voted for Trump. Perhaps, they need to reflect their position now, at the time of their midterm elections. It is the American people now, who need to act.
It appears that the thousands of Americans who are protesting in their streets, particularly about the unelected Elon Musk, are not being acknowledged by the Trump administration….or, purposefully ignored.
What a mess…
yup, he came with a history, a bed history, a very bad history…nothing like it before in the usa, tremendously worse in just 44 days than any prior president has been in 4 years.
he cheated people out of what they were owed many times according to a number of those that he had contracted with; he has lied at a serial liar’s level; he has shown contempt for a number of laws such that laws only matter if he likes them, which has been his approach to contracts; he has invoked insurrection and he has then pardoned ’em all, despite severe injuries and death to law enforcement (whom he purports to respect…what a liar); he has displayed ego and selfishness and a level of all about himself that makes even the bush jr years look like they were but a beach party.
and, let us not overlook the wonderful musk…elon, where are you…there you are…stand up, elon, great job, wonderful job….
Sounds like the NDP should pool their resources and open a Lada factory. Then the next generation they can all drive the same piece of excrement and swap springs made from abandoned rail cars, hey, just like Cuba.