By Lethbridge Herald on March 7, 2025.
I just sent an email to the mayor and nouncil of Kalispell Montana as well as one of the senators of the state. I basically stated that after years of vacationing in Montana, a place where I felt like a neighbour, Trump’s statements made me realize that they don’t care about us and I could not support a “Red State,” thus I would not be vacationing in Montana this year. I realize that many Albertans have vacation homes in the Kalispell area but if everyone would contact the local mayors, etc. the word may get to the lawmakers at higher levels. You can still go but a letter/email stating that you feel “not wanted” in Montana would do a lot.
Reed Spencer
Why would people suddenly feel unwanted in Montana because of what someone else said? Americans who have always welcomed and appreciated Canadians aren’t going to suddenly start treating them badly just because of that.
If you don’t want to go anymore because the exchange rate is bad or you want to take a general stand against the US because of the tariff situation that is understandable. To contact the Montana government to say “they” make you feel unwanted is disingenuous, as the wonderful people you have already experienced there are still there.
We have cancelled our semi annual trips to Vegas and will not be shopping in Great Falls as in the past. This is mainly because of Trumps tariffs but also because Montana is a red state which helped elect Trump. Although our actions may not change the political landscape in the US I think collectively we can send a message that Canadians are very unhappy with their actions toward our country.
That is your free choice and I can respect that!
For me, I will not attack the individual America, but will focus on the leadership.
We must remember please people, that this current administration is not going to be in the Oval Office 4 years from now and I wonder if he will even last that long. Destroying relationships that were built up over many years, because of one numbskull who changes his mind hourly, is only going to hurt you, not them.
Even boycotting can cause US farms or small businesses to fail, and you will no longer be able to get your favourite product you have enjoyed.
We are not sure yet what the final Trump tariffs will be yet! He is a wildcard and you just do not know which direction he will go from day to day!
There are many Americans who do not like many of the actions of this Trump administration.
There are some good points he has made, but many bad points!
Canada has been ‘a taker’ in many areas and shirked its responsibilities in our defense and NATO spending, with the Liberals always expecting there would be no need of defending our sovereignty and if it arose, the US would defend us, and the US would keep Russia and China out of our Arctic.
He is right! We have fell behind in the defense of our own country!
We allowed drugs to take over many areas, which brought in organized crime and the Cartels.
He is wrong about the amount of drugs that flow into the US from Canada, and wrong about the human smuggling and terrorists who cross into the US from Canada!
More people cross illegally from the US into Canada, most of the guns used in crimes in Canada are smuggled in from the US, and by far, more drugs come from the US into Canada.
After saying that, does that not also show we allowed these activities by not protecting our borders?
I do not like Trump, or many of his actions, but he has shown us many of our weaknesses that have been ignored and we need to address them if we want to continue to exist as Canada.
I learned decades ago, never say it will never happen!
Do not blame all Americans and burn bridges you will regreat later, but do stand up for your rights, focused on perpetrator!
dear god – do you also sit around all day in burlap and self flagellate, all in repentance for what the orange god has told you is wrong with you as a canadian? hey, if you want to dig a little deeper to appease the orange god, toss him your willing 10% tithe that can be “donated” to the usa military industrial complex. i prefer to support peace and mutually beneficial partnerships.
And that is why we find ourselves in this position where we cannot defend ourselves and even our supposed friendly countries are backing off as Trump threatens to take over by bankrupting our country which is already facing a debt wall.
Go smoke and reefer as the world goes by while you are in a brain fog!
By the way, if it weren’t for the US, we could very well be speaking Mandarin, or goosestepping to a Nazi regime.
You cannot have pease without some form of protecting yourself and if you think you can, then stop getting high for a week and see what is happening in the world!
I feel sorry for you! You are so ingorant to the world situation! Several countries are under threat of being taken over by dictators and bad actors this very moment, and you fail to understand that Trump is using an economic war to bring down Canada and take it over!
There is no hope for you!
you have your goosestepping nazis in power next door. given ’em some ammo money why don’t ya.
To suggest you can simply write a letter and then continue to visit and shop in Montana is ridiculous. The people of Montana were the ones who put Trump and his cronies into power. So therefore they are also responsible for the tariffs being imposed on Canada. The only answer we have is to boycott goods and services from the U.S.
There is no rationale behind these tariffs. Trump is motivated strictly by power and no amount of talking and negotiating will change his mind. So Canada must respond with matching tariffs and boycotting U.S. products and services. And more importantly, we must find other markets for our products and quit putting all our eggs in one basket, (something we should have been doing for years).
Perhaps when the U.S. citizens start losing some money they will wonder why, and start to realize they need us as well as we need them. So pucker up, show a little Canadian pride, and quit supporting a nation that thinks it’s fair game to insult us with their comments and attack us financially. To suggest that the American people are innocent bystanders is sticking your head in the sand. And if you continue to support the Americans by travelling South and buying their products you are simply prolonging the tariffs .
Oh please! I guess you supported the Freedom Convoy! But then again the Liberal-NDP coalition government got us into this mess!
The rationale of Trump is to bring us to our knees economically so we beg him to allow us to be the 51st state. He wants our resources and water, and the Arctic!
I agree, we were isolated by the federal government, the government who was running around making trade deals for Canada, but ones that didn’t help us diversify our markets. The Liberals promised Canada would make their own vaccines and pumped over $1 billion into a Quebec firm, when COVID hit and the US slammed the door on medical supplies made in the US we had signed contracts for, including vaccines. There were also other promised made by the Liberal-NDP coalition government of finding other trade partners, but what was ever done? The Quebec vaccine company is shuttered, and here we are with a Liberal-NDP government who insulted Trump during his last administration and he has a long memory for those who insult him.
The threats to our country are real, but if you think that 40 million people boycotting the 340 million US citizens will help long term, you are wrong! They have 300 million more people!
The do not need us! Until someone attacks them and they come running to their allies they have alienated, to help support them! Then it is okay!
But go ahead, it is a free country (for now)! Fill your boots! Burn the bridges!
Just remember, if China or Russia decides to move on us, who are you going to call out for help to???
i am sure the good maga-lover folk of alberta will prefer to blame the ndp having been in power here, rather than organge god supporting montana? indeed, everything wrong in canada, and planet earth, is because of the provincial ndp and the federal libs, right?