By Lethbridge Herald on March 11, 2025.
Re: Minister Neudorf “challenged” by coal mining regulation. The challenge: A huge financial penalty for opening and then flip- flopping after a public outcry over a picturesque, rugged area of the eastern slopes for extracting the dirtiest form of energy on the planet. A watershed whose importance cannot be overstated in the southern part of the province, which has been off limits to commercial environmental desecration for over 40 years.
Minister Neudorf, give your head a shake. First admit the UCP made a huge mistake, then fight a good fight for your people and our water. Hire a top gun in environmental law.
You might have to go outside this province to find one, since environmental regulations and law only come to Alberta to die.
Bob Senekowitsch
Spend $75 million on top lawyers for a fight with an Australian coal mining magnate, trying to pawn of defective vaccine to the poor children of Ukraine, for $1500000, what the heck it is not the UCP’s money, us taxpayers take the hit..
The UCP has wasted and lost well over $80 billion, from doing many very costly debacles and mistakes. They blame someone else for it.
I don’t have a lot of confidence that Nathan
Neudorf with do a 180 and do the right thing . Dear leader won’t have it .
Wait till she begins selling our hospitals to her private -for -profit friends, for pennies on the dollar, like Klein did, that’s starting April 1 we are told. Then rents them back at a huge cost to taxpayers. Can you think of a better way to screw the people. You fools who voted for her had better have deep pockets you’re going to need them, as our lawyer friends point out.
You are correct. The UCP only cares about themselves and their wealthy corporate buddies.
You cannot eat money, but the UCP will not see that. Peter Lougheed enacted the 1976 Coal Policy to protect the mountains, the water and the environment from harm. The UCP doesn’t care about that. They only care about how they can make their rich friends even richer. When the water becomes so polluted from selenium, this will affect the environment, and the land, where farmers grow their crops. I’m originally from a very large farm in Alberta, so I know how important water is.