By Lethbridge Herald on March 11, 2025.
An open Letter to Donald Trump.
You have mused recently about absorbing our country into the United States while disrespectfully referring to our Prime Minister as a Sate Governor. We know your aspirations have nothing to do with welcoming the people of Canada as “cherished” citizens of the U.S. Your lust is for our land and our natural resources. What you really want is our oil, our mineral wealth and the vast potential that Canada holds.
I can guarantee you that you don\’t want the Canadians that come with the land. We still believe in respecting diversity and showing compassion for our fellow citizens. We also really believe in the rule of law and that our government should be accountable. You would tire of our progressive attitudes and the concern we have for one another. We don\’t worship the almighty dollar above all else and believe there is a greater good in a benevolent society. Ironically if the 40 million Canadians had been citizens of your country three months ago, you would not be president now. And, it’s very unlikely that anyone of your ilk would ever occupy an elected government position again.
We would be forever hounding you about health care, making it impossible to advance a Republican agenda, and not easily swayed by the mountains of manure you sell to Americans. No, you don\’t really want Canada. We would be a giant pain in your ass.
But you have unwittingly given us a giant gift. We will now be focused on expanding our global partnerships and we will never again fall victim to trusting the United States as our closest friend in trade.
Thank you, Donald Trump.
Peter Burns
I have no doubt that if we see Trump back off in the slightest when it comes to tarifs that Liberals will still forward thier high speed rail announcement, that they have already spent a few million on to see if viable! Our problem is we do not have leaders in Ottawa, we have pension and power producers! Its a “lookie at me, I am important” group that has wasted 25 years yelling across the floor…lookie at me, I am important and you, well yur just the opposition and back benchers!
The opposition in seeking thier own self importance oppose for opposition sake….everything, good or bad, its all bad.
Suddenly, someone threatens us, and we expect the same two groups to grow a spine? We have spent billions trying to make people feel good in thier own skin and call it “caring”. The prime motivation in everything done is to get re-elected. From the day of the election win, everything is done to ensure another win! While, at the same time, abandoning any procurement policies that would show we are a responsible nation.
When we slide down the scale of a responsible nations, we prop up our Generals and Admirals who will sing from the same song sheet as our politicians. Because after all the military is to serve the politicians, so if the politician says “say to Canadians, “that you love your lack of equipment even though equipment you do have is beyond end of life” you get a bedazzled suit acting like a parrot! We, as Canadians want to believe what we hear so go to the amazing expense of slapping a yellow ribbon on the back of our car!
So where does it get us…oh, right about where we are now!
To prove the point, I would suggest most agree we are in crisis. So what does our government do? Prorogation! Why? So they can plot a path to save themselves, not the nation! A polling situation that was created by unpopular policy, out of control spending, and “lookie how important I am”, has to be corrected at all costs including nationhood!
So we meet this crisis head on, we take unimportant, self appointed-important people who stand up and announce high speed rail, because why? hmmm Ontario to Quebec? To highlight the importance of the non-important they parachute another celebrity in to lead(because the last one did so well) . After all, US has a TV clown, and that obviously worked, so lets get our own celebrity, and see if Canadians are as gullible as we think…..yup…its workin….
So we sit, proroqued, celebrity in place, Captain Canada flicking the on off switch, then back on again, and our illustrous government plots how to win re-election in 2-3 weeks. Gibbault must be up to his neck in ways to stop military procurement because “TANKS PRODUCE GHG’s ” Meanwhile the 49th is being dug up in preperation for a move!
We are so glad the Woke Celebrity Federal government banned and recalled all those nasty guns from responsible gun owners, aren’t we?
I suggest we all buy a katana and study the art of Seppuku, as a backup!
A lot to unpack here. Much of the details provided by DB are true.
But the writer’s intent is to show that because of the autocratic despot down south , Canadian’s are united , possibly only temporarily , but united nonetheless and reinforcing the notion that we will never become a state.
Reduction of provincial trade barriers something talked about and talked about until now. Removing market management for dairy would also help , but no party will touch that one .Why? It’s the votes stupid.
A united effort across Canada is what is required and whoever ends up as PM must understand the need to continue standing up to the petulant dictator. This has been a wake up call to our nation.
We will try to outlast Trump thinking its less than 4 years to go, Then be uprailed when we find he was successful in changing the constitution! But, we can be assured that at leat 300 liberal consultants will be hired to study what we should have done, but not right away.
All hat, no cattle, I rest my case.
Why aren’t we moving faster, we know the endgame, annexation. So why are we pretending that the US will deliver F35s to us? CANCEL THE CONTRACT!
Order the Euro Jet, now!
Yep, “We are all in this together!”. “Let’s bang pots and pans for our hero medical staff!” Everyone is in it to win it, until they get bored, or it gets to tough and then we crawl away in a corner and suck our thumbs. In the meantime we create “Freedom Convoys”. Of course they were always there but situations like this bring them out of the woodwork.