September 7th, 2024

Taking exception to protester’s remarks

By Lethbridge Herald on September 26, 2020.

Re: Antimask protest at city hall
I agree with Councillor Parker that Mr. Mein and his followers have a right to protest; however, they do not have the right to break the law. They should have been wearing masks inside city hall and, because they didnÕt, should have been fined.
I take exception to the remarks made by Mr. Mein regarding the people who have died. Every life has value and to say that they would have died anyway was just plain callous.
I am a senior and feel that my life is just as valuable as yours,
Shame on you!
Evangeline Jaremco

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haven’t you heard the latest. Black Lives Matter. And How about the illegal injection site and how about everybody speeds and runs red lights and stop signs. Our world is full of law breakers.


Have you considered talking to your doctor or a mental health professional?


Chris, in case I am mentally unbalanced don.t forget I know where you live.😋😜🤪😝🤣🤣😂😭


Bring it on…but you won’t…you just keep blabbing nonsense and hide behind the name ‘Flushy’.

Last edited 3 years ago by h2ofield

your so easy to bait or maybe just relaxed


“You’re” easy to be an anonymous coward.

John P Nightingale

This writer took the time to write a letter. As such , they do not deserve a cynical rebuttal that does not even address the issues the writer speaks about. The writer uses their real name and does not hide behind a nom-de-plume. Easy to insult when you are anonymous.

John P Nightingale

This writer took the time to write a letter. As such , they do not deserve a cynical rebuttal that does not even address the issues the writer speaks about. The writer uses their real name and does not hide behind a nom-de-plume. Easy to insult when you are anonymous.


the writer’s point is correct. the “protest” was more an exercise in bullying, and the city rolled over and cowered.


I respectfully disagree. The protestors have every right to protest peacefully. The mask law is illegal in Canada. There is nothing in our Constitution and Charter that allow such a restriction to individual physical or oral freedom. I am a senior. My parents are seniors, imprisoned in a Green Acres lodge depressed and frustrated by these illegal useless government restrictions. Studies show these anti-covid laws are destroying Canada and the world. Be a goat, not a sheep. Goats live longer and have more fun.


Fun? Perhaps you should take up the suggestion I offered Flushy.