September 7th, 2024

Do you really want permanent Daylight Saving Time?

By Lethbridge Herald on December 26, 2020.

Because of the pandemic, the Government of Alberta decided to postpone a decision on whether to move to permanent Daylight Savings Time. I expect this conversation will begin again once the pandemic becomes less front of mind.
I encourage all Albertans to take a quick look outside between 7:30 and 8 o’clock any morning, and realize that if we had permanent Daylight Savings Time, this is how dark it would be from 8:30-9 a.m. for December and January mornings. The sun currently rises in Edmonton at about 8:45 a.m.; if we were on permanent Daylight Savings Time, that would become 9:45 a.m.
Because Alberta is in the western part of the Mountain time zone, the impact of permanent Daylight Savings Time in our province is not the same as in Saskatchewan.
A poll of a small number of Albertans last year suggested permanent Daylight Savings Time was favoured by the majority. If you disagree, I encourage you to let your MLA know.
Barry Litun

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while daylight savings time does not save daylight, it provides extra light for enjoying the outdoors when the weather is most approachable. with standard time, one might be wary of “later” sunrises, but one may also dislike earlier sunsets. best bet: deal with the reality of living in the north. my preference is for daylight savings, and the “long evenings” of summer. moreover, how beautiful to see a sunrise at 9+ in the morning!

Citi Zen

Permanent daylight savings time should be a no-brainer. It means lower energy useage, fewer traffic crashes, more family time together outdoors, fewer SAD cases, and you don’t need to drive home from work in the dark!
The US and BC will ultimately default to permanent daylight time, as we should also.
Its a no-brainer….