September 7th, 2024

Are we all going to find ourselves members of the UCP thanks to a stranger?

By Letter to the Editor on December 17, 2021.

I fully expect that, by this time next month, I and everyone else I know, along with the population of half the graveyards in Alberta, will be fully paid up members of the United Conservative Party thanks to some kind stranger buying memberships in our names.
Not that we’ll know about it of course.
Under Bill 81 some public spirited citizen looking to encourage public participation in the political life of the province and, incidentally, curry a little favour with the government by throwing a whole lot of money towards the Party, can take out a membership for who and what ever they choose.
And all without the newly minted UCPer even being told.
In the open sewer that is internal party politics under the present Premier this is a fat berg the size of a blue whale drifting along, bobbing and stinking in the current.
The only thing that could make it more noxious were the upcoming leadership review to be a mail in ballot of all party members. Were that the case, I and the rest of the zombie legions would be out there, early and often, casting votes for the current leader faster than a bus load of pizza crazed sixteen year olds.
Instead, the kamikaze squad will have to be running across the meeting hall in Red Deer; changing wigs and false noses along with their delegate id cards in an effort to cast a couple of extra votes before the voting closes.
Politics. Don’t ya just love it!
Ken Sears

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Southern Albertan

Again, if the general, majority, Alberta populace wishes to rid itself of the Kenney UCP, they will have to do it at the polls on May 29, 2023.
If an election were to happen now, the AB NDP appears to have a 99% chance of a majority according to voting projections.



Fedup Conservative

Thanks for posting that it makes these seniors look even dumber than they keep admitting they are. Lets hope the young people read it.


You are in that category which you are besmirching which suggests you have proven your point.


Probably not but its better than being a member of the AFL sitting with the NDP and being camouflaged as a labour organization and not a party sympathizer and tire pumper.

Last edited 2 years ago by buckwheat

Yes Ken tell us what you understand about the AFL? I believe that stands for Alberta Federation of Labour? Does it operate in the closets of the NDP headquarters?
Ken are you a herald supporter with a yearly subscription? What will you do for a podium, if the Herald ever closed down?


He’s got the one at the Owl Acoustic Lounge when it starts up again, if it ever does….


Well if you’re not with workers, who ARE you with?


Do you have a logo of a hammer and sickle hanging in your house as well comrade?

Fedup Conservative

Great comments Ken. All they have done is made it legal what they did to win the election in the first place. Screw Albertans everyway you can. Use names and email address of people who had no intention of supporting them.
Kick out the RCMP so we can use a private police force to control the people who don’t support us. Doesn’t this remind you of Germany in the 1930s?
Of course we still have these mindless seniors who are still willing to support them. Too dumb to understand what they are doing to us, but then that’s what the German people say happened in Germany.


The Scrooges and Grinches should take a break. “mindless seniors too dumb to understand what they are doing”? It appears YOU are the mindless one – makes me wonder who you are really angry with. Chill – Dude.


Overrated. Chilling I mean. Just another fad….

Fedup Conservative

I hated bullies in school and beat them up. I see these Reformers as bullies treating Albertans like morons, you didn’t see Lougheed doing it, did you?
Not only did Klein almost kill my father with his health care cuts, dad donated around $30,000. to their party and our family spent countless hours volunteering for the PCs , so why shouldn’t I be angry.
Lougheed’s energy minister Bill Dickie was a brother in-law of one of my uncles. I got to know several of the MLAs and I know what they thought of these Reformers, they taught me to never trust any of them and they were right.


Sounds like you were also a bully who resorted to violence as well as a hypocrite.


Personally I quite like the way you go ahead and just call out what’s stupid and dumb all the time what is just that. It’s maybe gone out of style, but still holds as true as it ever did, and more than ever lately….

Fedup Conservative

I lived next door to a lawyer for 11 years, and had coffee each week day morning for about eight years with three other ones. They believed everything I said and encouraged me write letters to the editors and keep telling it as it is.

In 2003 I received a phone call from lawyer Marilyn Burns praising me for my letters and asking me if I would become leader of the Alberta Alliance Party that her and a group of other lawyers had created in 2002 to fight Klein. I declined knowing my wife was retiring in two years and we planned to do a lot of travelling, which we have done. I did promise that I would keep writing my letters and comments and rubbing their noses in it and I’m still doing it.
The other thing they taught me was the fact that the guys who attack me feel guilty about what they have done, but aren’t man enough to admit it and I think they were right. How else do you explain the fact why the only people supporting Kenney seems to be seniors and the young people are telling us they wished they had never listened to the seniors in their families and have no intention of doing it again. These seniors are the losers and are proud to prove it and are just too dumb to realize it.
My friends call me stupid for letting them attack me but what it does is show the young people who the fools are so they don’t paint all of us with the same brush like some are doing.


“They believed everything I said and encouraged me write letters to the editors and keep telling it as it is.”
Taking narcissism to new levels of absurdity.

Fedup Conservative

Let’s first kill off as many people as we can by dumping the restrictions for Christmas, and letting a fifth wave occur while the fools who won’t get vaccinated become the major targets. Who cares about what it does to our doctors and nurses, we were trying to get rid of them any how. We want to make the stupid Albertans pay for an American Private System, while we fill our pockets and those of our rich friends with their oil and tax wealth, right?


While your at it you might as well tear up the Canadian Charter. You seem to disregard its content and intent.


great letter. it is astounding that something like this is able to fly in a so-called “free” system. what is even more astounding is that we have people that see nothing wrong with this. seems ‘freedom’ to a very many is anything but. anything goes, no matter how antithetical to freedom it may be, so long as it supports one’s preference. sign me up – NOT!


“We are indebted for the very tongues with which we speak.” Freedom is an illusion.


nicely said. perhaps we cannot grasp freedom without knowing at the heart level the universal law of free will. your entry had me copy and paste that which you placed in quotations to a search, and i came upon this. might you and others enjoy one or each of the writings in the link.
best wishes, merry christmas, good health!

Last edited 2 years ago by biff