October 17th, 2024

MP Thomas needs to be a better guest in Ottawa

By Lethbridge Herald on February 16, 2022.


An open Letter to Rachael Thomas, Member of Parliament, Lethbridge:

I read your opinion piece in the Toronto Sun in support of the “protesters”. I’m a resident of the beautiful City of Ottawa – my adopted home since 1981! It’s an amazing city that my wife and I love dearly. We’ve raised two children here. This is our home.

First, and foremost, to the CPC Members of Parliament who have disavowed the illegal activities of a small but very vocal group of militants within Ottawa and other places in the country, thank you. We, the people of Ottawa thank you for your support.

Let’s be clear, the vast majority of Ottawans, Ontarians, and I would say Canadians, have gone about their daily lives over the last 14 days: They’ve done grocery shopping to well stocked shelves. Taken the kids sledding, skating, tobogganing. They’ve helped out neighbours by shovelling snow. Gone to work or worked from home. And, yes, some have gone south for winter holidays (against the advice of public health officials) but using precautions and done testing when they return. 

Ms. Thomas, total deaths from COVID between Jan. 15, 2020 and Feb. 3, 2022 in Ontario are 11,836. That’s an average of 500 per month. From Jan. 4, 2022 to February 3, (one month) Ontario had 1,381 deaths from COVID! That’s almost three times the monthly average over the previous two years.

 Many of those deaths are people who are vulnerable: the elderly, the immuno-compromised and the poor. None of us want to have mandates imposed upon us and our fellow citizens. But we look at the broader community: If one of us isn’t safe, none of us is safe. Masks and vaccines protect all of us. The sooner masks and vaccine passports are gone the happier all of us will be. 

But we base our decisions on science. I would hate to think what the deaths would have been had we not had science based mandates. We can imagine, though, when we look at some other countries and the way they’ve handled this crisis. Could it have been handled differently? Certainly. 

Looking after the vulnerable in the community seems to be diametrically opposed to the few involved in the illegal activities in downtown Ottawa and other places across the country who seem to believe in “me first” and “might is right” with weaponized trucks. Make no mistake, these people who are terrorizing their fellow citizens are in the minority. 

Most Canadians are good, honest, patriotic, law abiding citizens who help their communities. 

Ms. Thomas, I’m a resident of the neighbourhood adjacent to the occupied area of downtown Ottawa. Let me tell you it’s not a joyous walk down the country meadow that you portrayed in your opinion piece, with sunshine and lollipops and everyone holding hands in joyous song.

Let me give you some facts as opposed to your alternative facts:

After an argument about masks with some residents of an apartment building in the “red zone”, some people came back to the building at 5 a.m. on Sunday morning, lit a fire in the lobby and then taped the doors closed so that the occupants couldn’t leave. Thankfully someone spotted the fire and put it out. Were those individuals just a few bad apples?

Retail store clerks have been harassed and spat on, to the point that many businesses have had to close their doors until this ends. Again, were those just a few bad apples involved in those events?

A clerk, on her way to work a few days ago was assaulted by an anti-masker. Bad apple?

A friend of mine, who is in her 70s, was helping a visually impaired person do some errands last Saturday. They live in the “red zone”. Both were wearing their masks while walking down the street. Not so much because of COVID, but to block out the diesel-fume stench that fills the downtown from hundreds of idling trucks. An anti-masker with a megaphone screamed at them to take their masks off. Yet another bad apple? 

I’ve seen pickup trucks driving around my neighbourhood with Canadian flags flying out the back. People in flag-flying trucks are yelling at mask wearers. More bad apples I guess. Ms. Thomas since when did patriotism and waving the Canadian flag get co-oped by outlaws?

Ms. Thomas, when does a few bad apples become a rotten barrel? In fact, the barrel was rotten from the beginning, with an overt attempt, complete with a manifesto, to replace a democratically elected government: In fact to replace all democratically elected governments that don’t subscribe to their manifesto. The barrel was rotten: The events of the last 13 days have simply made it putrid.

Ms. Thomas, I walked in the climate change protest in September 2019 in downtown Ottawa along with thousands of other people. I went to the Black Lives Matter protest in June 2020 on Parliament Hill with many others. I was at the National Day of Reconciliation on 30 Sept 2021 on Parliament Hill and marched down to Confederation Park. I didn’t hear one single racial slur at any of those protests. I saw no harassment of residents or public defecation or urination. No desecration to Canada’s fallen soldiers or the Canadian hero Terry Fox’s monument. Nor did I hear the blaring sounds of horns disturbing residents for hours and days. In fact there were no horns. 

We had our peace, order and good government protest and then dispersed without incident and continued our activism back in our communities: Writing our MPs, MPPs, city councillors. Advocating for change within our communities through democratic institutions and participatory democracy. We didn’t blockade a city or international trade routes and terrorize communities or hold then hostage under threat. That’s what the small group of people you are supporting are doing in Ottawa and other places in Canada. Ms. Thomas it’s reported today that these people are using children as shields against a police operation. Do you support children as shields? Shouldnww’t these children be in school? Or is this “home schooling”?

Ms. Thomas, you’re a guest in our city. Please do us the decency of respecting our home just as we would respect yours.

Don Lalonde


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Dennis Bremner

I too spent a lot of my time in Ottawa (and Halifax), in fact 46 years worth of my life. I was in Halifax when the infamous phrase of “freeze in the dark” was coined by the reaction to Daddy Trudeau’s Legislation that killed Alberta.
I now live in Lethbridge and have been here for 10 years and have experienced the other side of the coin. You have been “disrespected” for a total of 19 days, perhaps you should consider trying lines of trucks on your streets for 30 years?
Last I heard having a different kind of politics in the west did not allow at least equal partners in confederation and that’s all the west really asks for! You will note that the only real emergency for Little Boy Trudeau was when it affected Ontario with the Windsor Bridge. Suddenly its affecting the “Canadian economy” and we will smite the nail with a Nuclear Bomb option! All other Bridges and Borders were “really not affecting the “Canadian economy” they were affecting the “Guests Economy” so no real concern there, right?
Albertan’s now prepare for the greatest of Nuclear Bomb options, as time now has surpassed the long term need for Oil. You soon will be able to take your life back, but Albertan’s, will now see the longterm might of this option! Ottawa will slowly choke our lives off by legislating more difficulties daily! But not to worry, you have suffered enough, 19 days is a long time, time to get rid of those “Guests”!
MP Rachel Thomas is a “Guest” in your fair city, is so appropriate! The West is but “Guests in Confederation” ! We should be appropriately subjugated and admonished when we attempt to raise ANY dispute and must bow to the people to whom we are, “but Guests”!
Keep filling your luxury life style, with what Alberta provides, until the day you decide to buy the Electric Car, then the aircraft overhead will be heard in Alberta. When Enola Gay does make its run here, I am sure you will not even have the guts to have it manned, It will be a drone controlled from the PMO’s office and, will be enjoyed as much as a video game, as it makes its descent into Alberta.
19 days? pffffffffft
PS I do note that there are many MPs in the Conservative Party you could have picked that support the Truckers, Mr Lalonde! The fact is, you picked an Alberta MP, which tells us, you really do not respect “Our Home” as you suggest you do, and that “my Eastern Friend”, says it all!

Last edited 2 years ago by Dennis Bremner

Not equal partners in Confederation? Legislating additional difficulties? A drone controlled by the PMO?
Unhinged western separatist propaganda.


I have a few questions for you. (1) At what level were interest rates in the early 1980s when the Canadian economy in general and Alberta’s oil patch in particular were hit hard? (2) How did the NEP affect those rates? (3) What do you know about Canada’s “National Oil Policy”? (4) Do you you know about its role in development of Alberta’s oil sector?

Last edited 2 years ago by Older-Than-Old-School

This protest was like no other and its one we need to pay attention to and not dismiss or get sidetracked on by the antics of a few; democracy is messy. But by not meeting with the protestors, Trudeau has polarized the country even more. I recall Trudeau meeting with the Bouchie family whose son trespassed on a farmers property to steal and terrorize yet he doesn’t give an hour to the protestors? – ordinary hard working decent people who positively contribute to this country? Something wrong with this picture.

Yale Belanger

Not quite re: Stanley (after all, he’s the one who pulled the trigger). The Civilian Review and Complaints Commission for the RCMP never used the words “terrorize”; or even suggested this as a potential outcome. In fact, the final report even noted: “It does not appear that Mr. Boushie left the vehicle at any point or interacted with any of the Stanleys’ property” (S. 31). And when did trespassing or car theft become an executable offence? Time to choose another example to make your point. https://www.crcc-ccetp.gc.ca/en/commissions-final-report-cic-pii-ColtenBoushie-Events


What happened was unfortunate but it had been going on for a very long time and may still be going on… natives fueled on drugs and alcohol trespassing, stealing … to me that would be terrifying so I call it what it is. Make excuses if you like or find some technicality but the fact is, these deadbeats have ruined an entire families life …the years of legal hell and costs and more.

Yale Belanger

So your point is that Boushie ruined Stanley’s life forever by allowing him to shoot him while sitting in a truck? Gotcha!

Last edited 2 years ago by Yale Belanger

Ordinary hard working decent people? The reader is supposed to accept your definition of “decent” people as those who knowingly break the law? You know, the law legislated in Bill 1 in Alberta. How is preventing the free flow of goods across and international border together with making the lives of downtown Ottawa residents a living hell have anything remotely close to making any kind of positive contribution to this country?


Absolutely hard working decent people…these are farmers; truckers and more…people that pay taxes! Did Bouchie’s ever pay taxes? This protest points to a deep division that is growing in our country and we can’t ignore it or slam it as you are doing. We need to look at reasons; we need to LISTEN to people like the protestors and not just dimiss them as crazies. They aren’t. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shooting_of_Colten_Boushie


One might be a bit disturbed by Turbine-wine’s erotic desire to ride ‘Little Boy Trudeau’ into destiny a la Dr. Strangelove, but your hypocrisy is quite incomprehensible: you think Trudeau should have gone to visit a group of protesters openly calling for the overthrow of the elected government and you think this meeting would have ended the protests – that’s bizarre enough. But then you don’t mention that Mr. Ford (who actually enacted the health measures in Ontario) should have visited the protesters, nor did you say that Mr. Kenney (who actually enacted the health measures in Alberta) should have visited the protesters. I guess this thinking is part and parcel of the incoherence of this tantrum by the witless truckers and their alt right allies.

Southern Albertan

The struggling, split federal Conservatives have erred in their style of support for these illegal blockades. They just keep stubbing their toes, embarrassingly.

Les Elford

Oh, Canada! Where Have You Gone?
Oh, Canada! Where Can You Be?
Oh, Canada! How I Long and Cry for Thee!
Oh, Canada! The True North Strong and Free!
Oh, Canada! Where Can You Be?
Oh, Canada! Please Oh Please Come Back To Me!

If only Mr. Trudeau had the courage, exhibited the leadership to talk with these Canadians. Simple…. But no……. he had to be right. He certainly has caused massive economic and social disruption. I wonder why /how this protest this issue is so rapidly evolving in other countries around the world, if there wasn’t truly something important to be said and heard by these citizens?
The Emergencies Act…. such an overreaction …such a sign of weakness, inability and incompetence by so-called leaders…..who are nothing but bullies ignoring deflecting and distracting the real issue.
WOW what a great tactic to divide the country more.

Sir; The Truckers raised their voices only after the typical decision from the Liberal government to increase their control of the people and introduce additional mandates to these professionals, after two years of calling them heroes. 90% of the truckers are vaccinated. This demonstration was not a surprise. The announced their destination and intent well in advance.

All the way; THOUSANDS of regular peace loving tax paying Canadians came out and cheered them on and fed them. While Mr Trudeau diddled and fiddled, and upon their arrival in your beautiful city was too scared/proud/good/entitled to meet with these regular folks.

I would suggest Mr. Trudeau and this government are scared. They are scared because they are beginning to realize “The PEOPLE REALLY HAVE THE POWER” The people have always had the power. They just gave it away to the politicians, and look at what they have done with it.

This peaceful demonstration, this movement, has exceptionally morphed into something much more than vaccine mandates. It has done so all around the world. The world is watching and sending their love and support to these truckers. While Mr. Trudeau has instituted repressive, Draconian, punitive measures. In his typical historical bullying manner; (blackface, treatment of Jody Wilson Raybou, disrespect to Indigenous female protestor at a fund-raising event “Thank you for your donation” the carbon tax, etc. etc.

This government and it’s leader is the most corrupt, government in history, 3 ethics violations, SNC- Lavalin scandal, WE Charity scandal etc. etc.

Sir; I realize you are upset, but perhaps you should look more deeply at the root cause of this disruption. I would suggest the Truckers, the Farmers, the regular folk who are now risking it all are NOT the problem. The government in power is. I would not put it past Mr. Trudeau and this government to have paid their supporters to do the things you are claiming.

You Tube live streams paint a much different picture of what is happening than the media and the government is.

Les Elford


Well stated Les. Let’s not forget Trudeau had no problem with foreign money in 2015. 6 million or so third party foreign funding to get him elected. Leadnow. Tides foundation California based. All the lock me down harder daddy crowd will disagree however.


Your solution is to negotiate with domestic foreign funded terrorists? Your solution is to support armed vigilante groups demanding democratically elected officials change the laws or else? Or else what, Mr. Elford? This is not how democracy works!


well, we have long been mined and owned by so-called foreign money in our country. it is too easy to refer to foreign owned mining, oil, and timber/pulp and paper cos as eco-terrorists, right? you know, the poisoning of the land and water where they have operated (and our fair and wonderful bevvy of govts never do get around to cleaning up, heck, getting those responsible to clean up, the messes, many of which have been affecting first nations for many decades), orphaned wells, clear cuts that have devastated environment and ecosystems…foreign money indeed.
and imo now the demagogue just rants on about the tiny fragment of extremists that planted themselves in the protests, but who are not at all what the masses in these protests were standing for.
imo, you and all alike can enjoy as many shots of pharma vaxes as you each want and wish to believe will protect you. you can do as much for “free,” covered by public health money. that others can say no to that option is what in fact a free society is. because they are a minority does not mean they lose control over their body because the likes of the majority on this issue wishes to invoke their preferences. when that happens, we have a tyranny of the majority. that is not democracy, that is not freedom, and at its core, that is more akin to totalitarian, autocratic, intolerant, bullying. come to think of it, isn’t it time for ya all to get another dose?


biff: you are free to elect not to receive a vaccination. No one is coercing you to get vaccinated or wear a mask in public spaces, for that matter. But, until the legislated bylaws are revoked you are not free to disregard them. This is the nature of the Rule of Law. It has nothing whatsoever to do with totalitarianism, autocracy, intolerance or bullying. Freedom is not a wild card. Freedom comes with responsibilities. Therefore, in a democracy the Rule of Law is an important concept.


i am not talking masks – which at least apply to all. i am talking about who owns one’s body. we have been around this block so very many times 🙂 if one owns their body, they then have the right to decide what they take or do not take. that would seem a pretty basic aspect of freedom and liberty. when a govt says you either take a covid vax, or you you will be punished by the following…, then we have force, coercion. further, when the vaxed group gets to have more privileges than those unvaxed, who are exercising their right to their body, we now get tow classes of people. hardly a signature of freedom. perhaps you may wish to read up on autocracy, and report back with a link.


Save your breath IMO. These people have been stoked for years with prairie propaganda even before it was distilled into an algorithm just for them. They have no paranoia around THAT crass manipulation because it fed their identity as WARRIORS for FREEDOM! They could feel like heroes, saving their children. Pfffffttttttt…..
But ANYTHING from those “eastern bastards, the historical seat of the Canadian federal government that naturally has some powers superceding those of the provinces, and where elections are decided before the west even counts their votes? They are the sworn tribal enemy for all time because there are more of them living where white settlement/colonization STARTED back in 1608 because of this country’s geography. All their fault! AND Pierre Trudeau’s for having the temerity to imagine this vast, spread-out country as being knitted together as a progressive, modern country by the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and by its two founding nations.
These low-information people foaming at the mouth with irrational, tribal hatred of Trudeau


are not the majority, no matter how much they keep screaming that with their truck horns, like unruly toddlers.
The rule of law is all we have between us and anarchy, which is what these wannabe warrior types want, and THAT is what the Liberals have just invoked after waiting tolerantly for almost three weeks for this desperate encampment to come to its senses. We haven’t heard of guns there yet, but we shall see….


seems like your clarity is suffering alongside so many of the other multiple vaxed. i sure hope that is the only side effect. good luck in the years to come. as for karma, that is inevitable. the universe is hinged on balance. ignorance is never an excuse.


what papa trudeau envisioned as our charter of rights and freedoms – the man who said govt has no business in the bedrooms of the nation – is s shell of the reality it has been dumbed down into: all hark the cdn charter of limits and privileges.

Les Elford

You are correct. I absolutely agree. This is not democracy or how it should be done. Thank you for supporting my argument that something is seriously broken with this government and our political system.
Respectfully; I hope you and or the Ottawa citizen may be able to help me understand
How can a political party that obtained 33% or less of the vote, become considered a legitimate government. That would mean 67% of voters DID NOT vote for the Liberals.
How can the Prime Minister allow a known terrorist to be invited to a social event in India?
How can the Prime Minister allow his picture to be taken with a known sexual offender?
Please don’t forget this Prime Minister famously once indicated “Canada is not a Nation”   (Say What?… tell our Military Veterans Canada is not a nation and see what they tell you)
In addition; how could anyone forget his other famous statement  “A Canadian is a Canadian is a Canadian” while  he provided a known terrorist who killed a US medic and seriously maimed a US Sergeant. TEN POINT FOUR MILLION DOLLARS plus unknown lawyer and court fees with CANADIAN tax money.
Please help me understand how Truckers can go from being considered and recognized as national heroes three months ago and now are considered to be the nation’s most dangerous terrorists by this government.
How can anyone respect the “leader” of a Canada when he openly admits his admiration of tyrannical, dictatorial leaders found in China and Cuba; who have no respect for human life or human rights.
Mr. Trudeau and his party has some grand scheme called the “Great Reset” which he refuses to explain. Perhaps these Draconian financial penalties associated with the “Emergency Act” are part of this Great Reset.  This; I fear is a very slippery slope from a very slippery “political party and leader”. 
Perhaps he just has not had the courage to inform us yet. …..SURPRISE!!!  Don’t do anything to upset Mr. Trudeau or his Liberal pals, or maybe your financial assets may be frozen next. The thought makes one think that “runs” on banks just might be justified, if we live in a country with those kinds of “freedoms”. 
Seems like he is attempting to turn the movie “The Hunger Games” into reality and enslave everyone (except his Elite friends) for his entertainment and delight.
I respectfully submit; Truckers are attempting to create “The Great Awakening” for the Canadian people (seems like other countries are getting this). Yes; truckers, farmers and just regular folk have had to resort to; unusual, dramatic tactics in order to get politicians attention and awaken the people. They tried, talking but were not being listened too.
If politicians can regularly (no continuously)  engage in unethical, sometimes illegal behavior without any consequence or accountability, then all the truckers have done is model their behavior and actions from the master manipulators.
Unfortunately, it caused some economic disruption.   This is no different than what politicians have done with their convoluted, inconsistent messages regarding mandates.
Elected officials are allowed to break rules, laws and ignore regulations and questions unimpeded every day. They don’t have to be accountable for actions or inactions simply because they are politician (Alberta UCP Ex- Justice Minister who called the Edmonton Chief of Police after receiving a traffic infraction for distracted driving) . You and I are not so fortunate.
 When the people rise up and begin to ask questions, the hammer comes down.
Currently; the UCP is attempting to “reeducate all of us” regarding the need to dismantle Traffic Court. The UCP rationale is they are “helping us“; because the court system is overloaded and removing the right to fight traffic tickets will somehow solve this. I am not a legal expert, but this makes no sense.
Hopefully again someone may be able to help me understand this “help”.  “Educating“ us  (UCP term , not mine) conjures up images of reeducation camps in countries like;  Russia, North Korea, China and Cuba. Thanks for your help …. But….  no thanks.
Mr. Lalonde ; Respectfully mainstream media and You Tube live streams both report, Ottawa citizens (perhaps your friends, family and neighbors) are voluntarily providing ;safe harbor, food, shelter and more to these so – called “occupiers”.
I suppose they too should be considered;” terrorists” and rounded up , arrested and have their bank accounts frozen ( I mean stolen by the state).
  If nothing else; in addition to the corruption, ethics violations and fiscal mismanagement, this government’s legacy may be; the creation of the most divided, divisive, hateful society in Canada. So much for our “melting pot image”
I hope, wish , and yes….. pray this demonstration remains peaceful and ends peacefully to the satisfaction of all. Sadly I must admit it is with a great deal of trepidation I have mentioned praying, since admitting to this appears that it may label me as a religious/political extremist  and considered a threat , and as such will be arrested and my assets will be frozen (stolen ) as well by the state.
So much;  for the right to openly express opinions and free speech.
I fear this government will pit neigMr. IMO
You are correct. I absolutely agree. This is not democracy or how it should be done. Thank you for supporting my argument that something is seriously broken with this government and our political system.
Respectfully; I hope you and or the Ottawa citizen may be able to help me understand
How can a political party that obtained 33% or less of the vote, become considered a legitimate government. That would mean 67% of voters DID NOT vote for the Liberals.
How can the Prime Minister allow a known terrorist to be invited to a social event in India?
How can the Prime Minister allow his picture to be taken with a known sexual offender?
Please don’t forget this Prime Minister famously once indicated “Canada is not a Nation”   (Say What?… tell our Military Veterans Canada is not a nation and see what they tell you)
In addition; how could anyone forget his other famous statement  “A Canadian is a Canadian is a Canadian” while  he provided a known terrorist who killed a US medic and seriously maimed a US Sergeant. TEN POINT FOUR MILLION DOLLARS plus unknown lawyer and court fees with CANADIAN tax money.
Please help me understand how Truckers can go from being considered and recognized as national heroes three months ago and now are considered to be the nation’s most dangerous terrorists by this government.
How can anyone respect the “leader” of a Canada when he openly admits his admiration of tyrannical, dictatorial leaders found in China and Cuba; who have no respect for human life or human rights.
Mr. Trudeau and his party has some grand scheme called the “Great Reset” which he refuses to explain. Perhaps these Draconian financial penalties associated with the “Emergency Act” are part of this Great Reset.  This; I fear is a very slippery slope from a very slippery “political party and leader”. 
Perhaps he just has not had the courage to inform us yet. …..SURPRISE!!!  Don’t do anything to upset Mr. Trudeau or his Liberal pals, or maybe your financial assets may be frozen next. The thought makes one think that “runs” on banks just might be justified, if we live in a country with those kinds of “freedoms”. 
Seems like he is attempting to turn the movie “The Hunger Games” into reality and enslave everyone (except his Elite friends) for his entertainment and delight.
I respectfully submit; Truckers are attempting to create “The Great Awakening” for the Canadian people (seems like other countries are getting this). Yes; truckers, farmers and just regular folk have had to resort to; unusual, dramatic tactics in order to get politicians attention and awaken the people. They tried, talking but were not being listened too.
If politicians can regularly (no continuously)  engage in unethical, sometimes illegal behavior without any consequence or accountability, then all the truckers have done is model their behavior and actions from the master manipulators.
Unfortunately, it caused some economic disruption.   This is no different than what politicians have done with their convoluted, inconsistent messages regarding mandates.
Elected officials are allowed to break rules, laws and ignore regulations and questions unimpeded every day. They don’t have to be accountable for actions or inactions simply because they are politician (Alberta UCP Ex- Justice Minister who called the Edmonton Chief of Police after receiving a traffic infraction for distracted driving) . You and I are not so fortunate.
 When the people rise up and begin to ask questions, the hammer comes down.
Currently; the UCP is attempting to “reeducate all of us” regarding the need to dismantle Traffic Court. The UCP rationale is they are “helping us“; because the court system is overloaded and removing the right to fight traffic tickets will somehow solve this. I am not a legal expert, but this makes no sense.
Hopefully again someone may be able to help me understand this “help”.  “Educating“ us  (UCP term , not mine) conjures up images of reeducation camps in countries like;  Russia, North Korea, China and Cuba. Thanks for your help …. But….  no thanks.
Mr. Lalonde ; Respectfully mainstream media and You Tube live streams both report, Ottawa citizens (perhaps your friends, family and neighbors) are voluntarily providing ;safe harbor, food, shelter and more to these so – called “occupiers”.
I suppose they too should be considered;” terrorists” and rounded up , arrested and have their bank accounts frozen ( I mean stolen by the state).
  If nothing else; in addition to the corruption, ethics violations and fiscal mismanagement, this government’s legacy may be; the creation of the most divided, divisive, hateful society in Canada. So much for our “melting pot image”
I hope, wish , and yes….. pray this demonstration remains peaceful and ends peacefully to the satisfaction of all. Sadly I must admit it is with a great deal of trepidation I have mentioned praying, since admitting to this appears that it may label me as a religious/political extremist  and considered a threat , and as such will be arrested and my assets will be frozen (stolen ) as well by the state.
So much;  for the right to openly express opinions and free speech.
I fear this government will pit neighbor against neighbor, family against family. History has shown this happen before, and tragically it did not end well for   many innocent people.
The biggest thing we need to be worried about today is this “government” and it’s state sponsored media.  Be afraid … be very afraid . Perhaps a run on banks makes sense , because you may be their next target. “ The more you say it , the louder you say it , the more they will believe you “ ( Katherin McKenna – ex Minister of the Environment)
The government already has plans to tax the capital gains on the sale of your house. (So much for your retirement) That is why they ask if you have sold your house on your income tax form. Please consider that and think about it , while you are doing your income tax.
Les Elford


Just to clarify, Mr. Elford, are you advocating vigilante rule over the democratic system of government?

If you take issue with the democratic system of government, what would you suggest should replace it? How do you suggest the broken bits be repaired?

Do you understand how the Thatcher-Reagan era changed much of the global political landscape? Do you know what neo-liberalism is? Do you know the history of the emergence and entrenchment of neo-liberalism in Canada regardless of one’s political affiliation?

Did you know that the notion of “melting pot” is an American perspective? Canada has never referred to itself as being a “melting pot”. Canada is a multi-cultural nation.

The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and The Canadian Multiculturalism Act affirms the policy of the Government of Canada to ensure that Canadians receive equal treatment by the government which respects and celebrates diversity.

Mr. Elford, no democracy is perfect; but, over the history of humankind, and particularly during times of rapid change, it has shown to be a system worth protecting and fighting for.


unlike the letter, which just spews a narrative that is a fallacy, les’s entry is on the mark. this little boy trudeau govt is not only the problem, govt in canada is the problem. regardless of party name, govts have continued, consistently, to oversee the decimation and poisoning of our waters and land; they have pandered to the oligarchy – the utmost wealthiest – while turning away from the withering working class; they have whittled away at our privacy, rights and freedoms, all the while allowing themselves and giant to corp to be ever the more opaque and private.
and now, our financial institutions have become the law, as they have the remarkable ability to freeze and seize private assets. bad enough they can do as much without court orders on a case by case basis; however, let us not forget that financial institutions themselves have been launderers of substantial sums of criminal money over the many decades (never had their assets seized under proceeds of crime laws – they are above the law- but they have from time to time paid “fines”…and i am sure those monies have cycled back to them and then some); moreover, financial institutions have further played large roles in the off shore accounts debacles.
save for a few extremists that are not supported by the masses of the freedom demonstrators, and notwithstanding that outright blockades are not acceptable, the demonstrations have been as peaceful as one could hope for.


for what it is worth, i am much happier that you have her there, rather than her being here.