September 7th, 2024

When will Kenney address referendum question on Daylight Saving Time?

By Lethbridge Herald on February 17, 2022.


Now that Premier Kenney has COVID under control, will he find time to address the referendum question regarding Daylight Saving Time? Although the question on the referendum was ambiguous, and very misleading, I believe that many Albertans wanted two things: 1) They voted against having to turn our clocks back twice a year; and 2) They voted against Daylight Saving Time. This can be argued by those who wish to because of the ambiguity of the question itself.

If my belief is accurate, Albertans want to have Mountain Standard Time year-round. After all, this is what was originally intended by Canadian Sir Sandford Fleming in 1879, when he proposed a worldwide system of time zones. Our neighbour to the east, Saskatchewan, has been on Standard Time year round for years, and nothing serious has happened to them or their economy. Other countries have tried Daylight Saving Time year-round, and have returned to Standard time. What do they know that we don’t?

Do we need a convoy to convince our government to “do the right thing?” Or will we just sit back and turn our clocks ahead one hour in less than five weeks from now?

E. E. Balay


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Kal Itea

“Now that Premier Kenney has COVID under control,” Who really thinks that Kenney has covid under control. DST is one of his “wedge” issues. Pure deflection.

Citi Zen

Mountain standard time year-round is a no-brainer for Alberta. Most of our neighbors are switching to it, including B.C., Montana, Idaho, Washington State, etc ,etc. Do we really want to be two hours different from our neighbors?


E.E. Balay, aka Mr. Convoy, threatening democracy and the Rule of Law?