October 17th, 2024

Ukraine needs a new kind of no-fly zone to help its forces

By Lethbridge Herald on March 26, 2022.


What on earth could Putin’s purpose be with the invasion and bombardment of Ukraine? 

Apparently, he wants to annex Ukraine as he did with Crimea. Will children love their abusive father more for slapping them in the face day by day? Abuse does not foster love.

Ukraine’s president pleads for a no-fly zone and for weapons to defend themselves. Usually, such a zone protects refugee camps, and it is patrolled by friendly fighter planes. Such a no-fly zone in Ukraine may lead to air battles between NATO and Russia, and may start the third World War, which may include the use of nuclear bombs.

Ukraine needs another kind of no-fly zone. President Zelensky gave the clue: no planes above Ukraine (except Russians), so Ukraine forces can use anti-aircraft defense weapons against them. If other aircraft use Ukrainian airspace, valuable seconds elapse to identify the aircraft as friend or foe. But if only Russian planes or missiles fly over Ukraine, they can shoot them down immediately – akin to the Iron Dome Defense in Israel.

NATO can ask all countries to avoid Ukrainian airspace – without any NATO country patrolling that airspace. It prevents military conflict between NATO and Russia. However, it gives Ukraine better options to use anti-aircraft and anti-missile weapons provided to Ukraine by friendly countries. When Russia loses one MiG after the other, they may reconsider.

With a street fight between two men, bystanders usually look on without interfering. But when a man rapes a woman, most people will jump in to stop the insanity, despite risks for themselves. 

What Putin is doing to women and children in Ukraine amounts to rape and murder. The world cannot just look on passively while Russia commits homicide in Ukraine. How can world leaders live with such a burden on their consciences?

Jacob Van Zyl


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Fedup Conservative

The big question Jacob is how do you do it without this guy using it as an excuse to start World War III using nuclear bombs and chemical war fair, like the Nations of the world are concerned about.
How do you stop North Korea from joining forces with him when they have rockets than can reach North America. The fact is they handling this the best way they can. We don’t want Korean rockets landing on Alberta, where our oil fields could be a major target, do we?

old school

There is not the political will to come to resolution . The Biden administration could come clean on the bio labs. NATO could come clean on their influence in Ukraine. Hunter Biden and Ukraine is another story ,not any of it good. Zelenskyy has a few skeletons in his closet and considerable “holdings” around the world. Russia does not have all its cards on the table. War is ugly and reasons behind it often uglier.

Fedup Conservative

How about we let you prove it in court so you can show the world what a genius you are, do you want to try?


Why is it, old fool, you never back up any of your stories (because that’s what they are) with facts?


Hey loser! Why is it you can never make a semi-intelligent comment?


Just wondering FC how you are going to tie-in this Russia-Ukraine issue with the Klein years!

Fedup Conservative

Of course not but it didn’t stop Kenney from stating that those supporting green energy were helping Putin, did it? You must be proud. This is of course bad mouthing our oil executives who wanted the Carbon Tax implemented and Shell Oil who are going to build a huge Solar Panel Farm to supply power to their Scotford Oil Refinery near Edmonton. Kenney must be proud to know he has you to kiss his ass, don’t you think? My friends call you a traitor, why shouldn’t they?

Fedup Conservative

I think all Albertans should google Alberta Politics to find out what intelligent Albertans are saying. They don’t agree with fools like Johnny, but then why would you?


Hey loser! Why is it you can never make a semi-intelligent comment?


I hear a echo in here! Must be that loser that trolls our comment section.

Fedup Conservative

While the vast majority of Albertans are fighting these Reformers trying to save our province Johnny is kissing their ass and proving what a damn fool he is .Way to go Johnny show the world how stupid you are, it gives us all a good laugh.


Oh lighten-up FC, still waiting for your Klein-did-it tie-in on the Russian-Ukraine issue.


The echo is a result of your empty head.


You still have not made any kind of intelligent comment loser! I await.


You still have not made any kind of intelligent comment, loser, I await.