February 22nd, 2025

Proposed regulations will hurt condo owners

By Lethbridge Herald on July 29, 2018.

Why is it nothing has been in the media about Service Alberta’s release of their proposed condo governance “regulations” and the associated condo survey due July 31?
Is it because they don’t want one in four Alberta homeowners realizing the many shortcomings and loopholes of their current and proposed condo legislation they want proclaimed into law?
Could it be they don’t want owners knowing about their deceitful, misleading, omnibus condo governance survey due next Tuesday?
Or, is it because they are confident they can slip their legislation, that will negatively impact our property values, quality of life, and financial stability, past us over the summer, while many are away?
Service Alberta’s track record of cronyism, abuse of power, dishonesty, undermining behaviours and abdication of condo owner consumer protection is appalling. Their substandard, slippery condo revision decisions result in most condo owners have no idea how vulnerable they are in their condo ownership and they won’t know until their condo nightmare hits, which for many, could be right around the corner.
Please, encourage your readers to call Service Alberta, get the survey link, and register their disapproval at the trickiness of the omnibus survey design and the incomplete, punishing and condo-owner costly proposed regulations.
June A. Donaldson
Volunteer condo advocate

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