By Letter to the Editor on April 30, 2020.
So the dairy farmers are to receive a billion plus dollars in aid, because they lost some of their market share due to the NAFTA agreement.
Freeland and Trudeau knew darn well they couldn’t keep their promise to the dairy farmers not to compromise the sacred supply management. When that became apparent, we’ll promise you a billion bucks or so.
Well, I don’t know about you, but most of the dairy farmers in southern Alberta I know are millionaires or better. So do they really need aid? A lot of people in Alberta are taking cutbacks. Doctors, nurses, teachers, oil workers, etc. So why should the dairy farmers not suffer a bit like the rest of us.
You know there was a really bad dude in merry old England who stole from the rich to help the poor. Name was Robin Hood. But we have even worse dudes in Ottawa. They rob the poor to pay the rich.
George van Bostelen