February 23rd, 2025

Cuts aimed at doctors a ‘monstrosity’

By Letter to the Editor on May 2, 2020.

I don’t know how you feel, but I am forever grateful to my general practitioner, Dr. Michael Cunningham. Since he arrived from Ireland, I have been his patient, marvelling at his depth of knowledge and application to all my related health issues.

What struck me immediately was his efficiency, yet personability. I was to learn he was allotted seven minutes with me; four, if another physician was absent.

When I inquired about his case load per day, the number was staggering. How would one human being juggle that much responsibility daily, then weekly.

He attended one or two night clinics a week along with his daily routine. How I wondered could society ever pay him enough?

I am assuming other physicians work at a similar level, although no human should.

When hearing rumblings of these cuts months ago, my ire was raised to the boiling point. Every item in the article written by local doctors in the April 22 Herald is valid.

Let’s cut the budget in a way that respects participation, not exclusion.

Emergency room alternative to night clinics! You have to be kidding! That increase in spending alone would be astronomical.

Sign me up for whatever it takes to protest and change this monstrosity that never should have been implemented during this crisis!

Shirley Fleming


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