February 23rd, 2025

It’s time to give normal lives back to people

By Letter to the Editor on May 23, 2020.

Re: Social distancing and the new normal.

These two terms I hope soon not to hear again. There is increasing anger, resentment, discontent and uncertainty in our country and this community. I feel it myself to the point where I cannot watch the news.

How did we get into this impossible situation? Why is our country shut down, paralyzed and at the point of ruin? Why do we now have “Arrow” police telling us how to pick up groceries?

The World Health Organization (WHO) mandated the use of social distancing practised over the centuries in treating people with disease eg. leprosy. Lockdown was used effectively in the 1918 flu epidemic where cities exercised this measure with good results. People did not die in numbers where the dead were not buried.

Did WHO expect our country to be locked down from coast to coast to coast? No. Our prime minister and health officials surreptitiously foisted this unbelievable situation upon the entire nation. We were blindsided. Now we are paying the price: People are cocooned and afraid to venture forth. Agoraphobia? Depression has set in. Hopelessness and rising anger.

Only the major hot spots had to be shut down. Cargill is an excellent example of how a COVID-19 outbreak can be handled. The plant was shut down, workers isolated and households quarantined for 14 days. Contacts were traced and tested. Why provincial health ministers have so much power over the entire province is beyond understanding. Why haven’t the mayors of smaller and basically clean communities taken back their power and opened up their towns and cities for business, playgrounds and schools for children, and churches?

Social distancing does not have to be the new norm. If infection is widespread in the community, wear a mask when in public places, avoid face-to-face encounters, and practise hand washing. Give us back our lives or people will begin to exercise their God-given freedoms – and take them back.

Edna Mackenzie


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