February 23rd, 2025

Dear COVID: We’ve had enough of you

By Letter to the Editor on July 20, 2020.


As the months keep going by without any word at your true intentions in our lives, I’m writing you in a desperate attempt to have you listen. I’m getting extremely tired of the ups and downs. I never know exactly what to do around you and feel angry and frustrated.

I want to express how I really feel about what you’ve been putting my family, friends, coworkers, me and even strangers through. That’s a lot of people in my life you’re affecting.

You don’t pay any mind to the lives you’re disturbing. We constantly have to adapt to your promiscuity, and it’s been more than rough for most. I don’t think you understand the depth of the sacrifices people have had to make because of you. People have put their lives on the line for you. You could care less.

My city (Las Vegas) thrives on hospitality and entertainment. This industry has been hit hard. People have lost businesses and their jobs. We are all questioning, what now? This all because of you.

For everyone struggling through this pandemic’s uncertainties, it’s been a different experience for all of us. I understand not everyone agrees on current events. Our situations and responsibilities vary immensely. However, I know people are suffering.

Clearly, many are trying to follow the necessary precautions. Many are working, no matter the consequence, as they need to feed their family. Many are fed up with social distancing and masks, as their freedom feels threatened. Many think this is a global conspiracy and completely disregard all warnings and guidelines. This is your own choice. Please, keep in mind the people your choices affect.

Are we going to be able to come together and figure this out? We need to try. It isn’t easy for anyone. But ignorance of some creates an exponential struggle for others.

We’re not all blessed with the easy life. Some have been affected by this virus, leaving a tremendous aftermath. We have lost people. We have lost our jobs. We have lost our sense of togetherness. We have lost the ability to be social beings. We have felt a constant fear as information changes daily.

There won’t ever be a change in our world without people giving up a little bit of themselves for the greater good for everyone.

This may never go away. But let’s make some effort to keep it in control.

Have fun, party on, but figure it out.

Maya Kilam

Las Vegas (formerly from Lethbridge)

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