By Letter to the Editor on August 20, 2020.
In a recent letter to the editor, a writer asked why Nord-Bridge hadn’t been more active this summer. As one of the few privately owned senior centres in the province, the answer certainly relates to finances. But here is a brief outline of what we have done since the provincially mandated shutdown.
Immediately after shutting the doors, Nord-Bridge initiated a plan to contact each of our members via telephone. This was made possible because of the enthusiasm of members of the Nord-Bridge board who manned the phones. The first goal of the plan was to let members know they were not alone. Through this program we were also able to arrange grocery or medical deliveries for those who needed those services or to provide transportation for medical or dental appointments. But most of all, it was to establish a personal connection with our members.
Second, since Nord-Bridge has long-maintained an extensive tax preparation program serving both our members and members of the community, we recognized the importance of ensuring those documents were completed in accordance with Canada Revenue guidelines. To meet that goal, our volunteers came in each day until the documents were completed and checked.
Third, since our commercial tenants are essential partners in the Nord-Bridge story, we recognized the importance of removing barriers in their way.
Fourth, though Nord-Bridge is closed, we have been able to offer pre-registered fitness classes in our spacious Community Recreation area. Face masks and community spacing are required and members can access the room through the east door without having to affect the integrity of the rest of the building.
And finally, on designated Fridays we have been able to provide Dunford Diner Menus for pickup or delivery.
It is our hope that these arrangements will soon be unnecessary, as we welcome members and guests back into our building.
Robert D. Tarleck