By Lethbridge Herald on November 13, 2020.
As I watch a certain segment of the population of Lethbridge spin their various agendas, I feel that I need to address one of the more serious problems we have been facing in recent years.
I most certainly appreciate and respect those of our city who want to help what they consider our most vulnerable people. I would ask that those people also respect my opinion as well.
Who are our most vulnerable? Is it the drug addicts that roam our streets or is it those people that suffer from the consequences of those same people’s actions? When an entrepreneur sinks their life’s savings and may also borrow monies from a bank to run a business and said business suffers from a loss of traffic and thus income and loses everything, are they not one of our most vulnerable?
When a home owner has their home broken into and “stuff” stolen, are they not vulnerable? When a senior is afraid to walk in certain areas of Lethbridge, do they not feel vulnerable? When someone has their vehicle broken into or stolen, does that not make them one of our most vulnerable?
Here is an idea. Stop calling drug addicts our most vulnerable. Why? It gives them an excuse to not be accountable. Stop calling drug addiction a disease. Why? No accountability. Hey, Mr. or Ms. Drug Addict, you have a problem because of your bad choices. It’s time to get your life back and we want you to have a wonderful happy life. Let’s get you the help you need and we will be there to support and encourage you but it is all up to you. Are you ready?
That is what I would like to see. If we keep telling these people it is not their fault and the rest of society is to blame for their problems, are we helping or hurting their chances for a normal life? Think about it.
Doug Cameron