February 24th, 2025

Where is our Heritage Fund?

By Letter to the Editor on December 19, 2020.

Inside Wednesday’s (Dec. 9) paper Geoffrey Capp wrote on the need for Trudeau to admit his many failures. My only concern is that you people continually bad-mouth Trudeau, yet never do you say anything bad about provincial or federal Conservative leaders. Where is our billions in oil money that your intellectually stimulated leaders were supposed to keep as a Rainy Day Fund?
Where is our “Rainy Day” Heritage Fund, where is it, now that we need it? It’s raining, it’s pouring, yet you people continue voting for failure.
No one ever talks about the failures of your elected leaders in this province to look after the public piggy bank.
Kenney has not told us how the famous Alberta Advantage was squandered by the “Blue Eyed Sheiks.” All of you gifted and brilliant people who for years supported the conservatives, please explain who, when, what and how our Heritage Fund was squandered by the conservatives you trusted and regularly voted for. Don’t bother to attack my findings but read and study the failures of those you blindly vote for.
Esa Salonen
Pincher Creek

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