By Letter to the Editor on May 6, 2021.
Editor: Regarding the letter by Mr. Mogdan about the City of Lethbridge rejecting the Mustard Seed proposal for a sober drop-in centre and soup kitchen on 13th Street and 1st Avenue South, I have the following questions:
Why was the Mustard Seed proposal not seen to benefit the public as a whole?
This marginalised population can be seen wandering the streets in that same area any day of the week. Often they are not sober.
The drop-in centre might be seen as a reason to get sober.
Did the Mustard Seed ask for any money from the City of Lethbridge?
I appreciate that Mr. Mogdan shared his understanding of the development approvals process, which he said is “under our land use bylaw” and “worked as it is supposed to work.” Therefore, can I assume that the location was an issue for the councillors?
The City of Lethbridge will adhere to its bylaws. Sometimes those bylaws don’t serve the community well, and they should be changed.
It is essential that all the stakeholders make the time for conversations prior to a decisive council meeting. Then there may be some positive outcomes for our city. Finally, I want to thank Mayor Spearman for recognizing that Lethbridge needs services for the marginalised population.
I appreciate his leadership.
Shirley Almas