February 24th, 2025

Joe Mauro shouldn’t be paid if he isn’t going to work

By Letter to the Editor on May 15, 2021.

Editor: I have been a resident of Lethbridge since 2000. Just wanted to voice my concern aboutc ouncilman Joe Mauro and his continued absenteeism.
His track record for missing meetings is concerning, but yesterday’s walkout was especially disheartening to say the least.
Views aside, I don’t think someone should get paid if they don’t show up for work at taxpayers’ expense.
The public deserves the person elected to at least attend mandatory meetings.
In his absence he represents no one as his representative vote is what people elect him for.
If he doesn’t show up for work he shouldn’t get paid, much like any other profession in our community.
Is there a way to keep this man from collecting taxpayers’ money if he doesn’t show up for work?
I find this type of political theatre absolutely disgusting and embarrassing.
Please put a stop to his continuing unprofessionalism – this serves no one. Thank you to all council members who continue to show up for work and city workers who work hard doing the difficult tasks and leading our community.
Alexis Bialobzyski

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