December 28th, 2024

Be wary when hiring contractors

By Letter to the Editor on June 10, 2021.

We had a contractor from Lethbridge build our patio. When he was done, I had a nightmare with a leaky roof. Initially, I asked him to build a wooden flat roof, but he insisted on an incline metal roof. The part of the fascia that connects the patio roof was too high and the roof of the patio too low that causes water to accumulate and remain there seeping through the fascia. I have lost confidence in the builder, so I did not ask him to fix the leak because he tried to repair it once before and failed. Therefore, I hired a rookie contractor from Lethbridge, and he overcharged me over an above his quote. Afterwards, he had his crew patch it up with a black roof cement but when it rained heavily it sprung a leak and our patio carpet was soaking wet, not to mention the roof insulation. I called the contractor and asked him to come back to fix the leak, but he told me he was not a roofer. I asked him why he had his crew do the work and he replied: “I wanted to do you a favour.” Unfortunately, the favour was a mess – the black tar was messy, and a professional roofer was not sure how to repair it. At first, he refused to return my money, but in the end, he dropped off the money after some persuasion.  One bad thing about it was there were no guarantees.
Now that the damage was done, I will hire a professional roofer to fix the leak and hoping it will last for awhile. In the meantime, I must wait until he can fix it before the rains come.
I checked with the Town of Coaldale to see if the rookie contractor had a business license and they said there is no record of it. They cannot do anything unless the By-Law Officer caught him in the act. They insisted that this matter go before the courts. In my opinion, the town should have a watchdog checking to see if they hold a business license to operate in Coaldale.
Paul Jones

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Fedup Conservative

After all the sexual abuse cases over the years most of my friends and I can’t understand why anyone would be dumb enough to support the Catholic church, yet many of our senior friends still do.
It wasn’t just Indians who suffered read what Dennis Bremner has to say. I think it’s too late for apologizes I think people should find another church to attend and ditch this abusive one.

Seth Anthony

It isn’t just a matter of the child sexual abuse. More so, it’s that the Vatican is well known for harboring and protecting POS child rapists.

Fedup Conservative

I certainly agree, so why are people so eager to support them when there are other churches to support is the big question. The catholic church has never had more support than it does now we are told.

Seth Anthony

FC said, “so why are people so eager to support them”?

Because “people”. lol

A slightly more serious answer is that Catholics are going to see it all as isolated incidences to which the Vatican is trying to address. Everyone else however, sees the exact opposite.

Last edited 3 years ago by Seth Anthony