December 28th, 2024

LTC seems intent on unseating an elected government

By Letter to the Editor on June 17, 2021.

We keep seeing letters from the “Lethbridge Transparency Council” which seems to be a right-wing political action group intent on unseating what they obviously perceive to be an overly progressive or left-wing municipal council.
Firstly, a “council” is defined as “an advisory, deliberative, or administrative body of people formally constituted,” or “the elected administrative body of a municipality” or “a body of persons chosen as advisors.”
So this group is in fact both self-appointed and self-important in the way that only conservatives have shown themselves to so relentlessly be – the self-proclaimed “grassroots” and true believers among us, the only ones honest enough to be transparent.
In their minds, only they truly represent Canadians, or in this case, the citizens of Lethbridge, assuming their “tribe” to be the common-sense majority despite electoral results or any other evidence to the contrary.
Consider where this arrogant attitude has fully manifested – in the solid right-wing origins of “the big lie” currently ripping the U.S. apart, threatening democracy itself.
Such certainty and keen righteousness reveals why we never talk about a conservative democracy, only a liberal one.
Because conservatives are “mansplainers” all, and fundamentally not “sharers.” Imagine if they had been in charge during this pandemic.
The UCP has provided what support they have entirely under duress, proving the adage consistently, like all conservatives, that “cheap runs deep.”
Money is about values after all; liberals quite simply value people more.
This group’s chosen name also implies that the current Lethbridge council has not only not been as transparent as they and their ilk would be, but has actually been deceitful enough to warrant organizing against them with a fervor reminiscent of “draining the swamp,” avidity that would be more usefully directed toward their cutting and destructive provincial cohort.
As a liberal, I can appreciate the inherent, often herculean difficulties of democracy and governance, especially lately, and perceive the current duly elected municipal council to be hardworking, open-minded and fair.
Patricia Pargeter

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Why is Ms. Pargeter so threatened by this group? Many of us appreciate the effort they go to providing us with good solid information. There is nothing from stopping another group from forming and going to similar effort providing for us an alternative point of view. That’s what free speech is about which thankfully still exists in democracy.

Seth Anthony

Ms. Pargeter provides nothing of substance, nor any facts to justify her anger toward this group. The letter is basically just an emotional outburst laden with insults. I for one am glad of the information that the LTC consistently provides.

Furthermore, it wouldn’t be a democracy if critiquing of the “leaders” was disallowed. It would be dictatorship.

Kal Itea

Ms.Parteger, you words are well chosen.
You probably predicted, when you wrote this piece that you would get a pavlovian response from the usual self appointed “arm-chair experts” who babble on about the “liberals and the lefties”and how the world is falling apart and the sky is falling in. Some of them don’t believe themselves in what hell-fire and damnation that they are spewing. Sycophants.

Fedup Conservative

A lawyer friend used to laugh about how stupid they were as they go around pretending that they are great conservatives while they call anyone who doesn’t share their level of stupidity a leftist or a liberal when they were the ones supporting a liberal. I find it ironic that both Klein and Kenney were well know liberals turned reformer and these boneheads don’t care.

They will support anyone who attaches the word conservative to their name and believe every lie he feeds them. As the retired police officers in our circle of friends have said over the years These guys aren’t any smarter than the ones who have allowed themselves to be tricked by con artists into giving them their life savings. The only difference is they are letting these phoney conservatives help their friends do it.


p.p is often insightful; however, not nearly as much on this issue. two concerns i note are, 1) conveniently – but utterly incorrectly – boxing groups into a uniform, one size fits all, categorization; 2) invoking hater language – “mansplainers” – as though it is ok not only to stereotype, but to further degrade – incorrectly – not only all male cons, but all males. the consequent irony inherent in the letter is that it creates divisiveness, and further, shares that all tribes are bad, save for the liberal tribe, and, apparently, save for only the females in that liberal tribe. given the intelligence that p.p has demonstrated many times, the entry is all the more disheartening.


Well put Patricia.
After reading the initial “phishing” emails from the group mentioned. I believe you’ve pigeon holed them nicely (No sarcasm).
They obviously (To those that have seen this before) have an ulterior motive.
I have my own ingrained suspicions of any group such as this purporting to be “For the People”. As it’s been demonstrated time, and time again that the motivations are far more insidious.
I’ll remain a Watcher on the Wall. Due to the plain fact we need to defend against the type of ridiculousness that is consuming our southern neighbour.