February 24th, 2025

Why no SCS on the reserve to help addicts?

By Letter to the Editor on June 19, 2021.

The CMO for the Blood Reserve has confirmed what most Lethbridge residents have known for sometime: she stated in the local news that the reason that the Blood reserve experienced 91 deaths last year is because the SCS in Lethbridge closed.
Personally I do not believe that, unless of course the CMO is saying that while the SCS was open, there was a conscious effort to get the addicts off the Blood Reserve and send them to the Lethbridge SCS.
If that is what she is saying, then one wonders why she did not immediately call for an SCS on the Blood Reserve? Obviously the people that were attracted to the Lethbridge SCS went back to the Blood reserve.
When she saw that, why did she not open or cause to be open an SCS on the reserve that would have solved the problem?
It’s a building with booths, Naloxone kits, with people ensuring the addict does not OD. How hard can that be to arrange?
Dennis Bremner

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