February 24th, 2025

First Nations had it right

By Letter to the Editor on July 3, 2021.

It appears more and more likely Indigenous people had it absolutely 100 per cent right when they stated “white leaders speak with forked tongue.”
I am so sad, heart-broken, embarrassed and ashamed over the treatment (no mistreatment) these Indigenous children and their families received in Canadian residential schools. This treatment (no mistreatment) disrespect, ignoring and turning them into the invisible forgotten people sadly; continues to this day and every political party, and politician has been complicit for the past hundreds of years.
Tragically this attitude and behavior continues today; Tribalism has progressed and been encouraged by so called political leaders ever since and has now affected other minorities, ethnicities and genders (Blacks, Muslims Asians, gays, transsexuals). Actions (or I should say inaction) by so -called federal leaders regarding sexual abuse for missing aboriginal woman, all women and our military men and women is shameful, reprehensible and just continues to enable the guilty offenders. The inexcusable delays, excuses and enabling by our political leaders suggests they are as gutless and useless as the perpetrators who engaged in the offense.
Time to get real, time to ensure real leadership from real leaders takes place and to restore some civility and accountability to our civilization.
Les Elford

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