February 25th, 2025

It’s time to quit blaming addicts for the city’s problems

By Letter to the Editor on October 7, 2021.

The city of Lethbridge is in turmoil – the opioid crisis has taken its toll on many people, especially the addicts. Instead of being divided, I ask you to unite.
We need a large support system. This is a big issue. Band aid solutions will not solve the problem. In fact, it just infects an already burdened situation.
There is a flood of hurt out there and we place our first responders on the shoreline asking them to ease the flow. Instead of giving them sandbags to build up the shoreline, we instead use them as the sandbags. Asking them to take on the hurt.
I am sorry for the trauma, damage and heartache you must all endure. My thanks to you for your efforts and to your families for taking care of you.
To all of our citizens sick of property crime, I say please lock your stuff up. Most property crime is done by a select few. Believe me, you would rather lose a bike than a daughter like I have.
Quit blaming the addicts, they only hurt themselves. Instead, place the blame squarely on those who fund the making of these drugs. Trust me, addiction can happen to any family at any time.
To the Mayoral candidates, this should be your top priority.
I have some ideas on how to make this city better. But, I urge you all to talk to the addicts, the soup kitchen workers, first responders, families of addicts, we all have a voice. Mine will advocate for those who cannot speak for themselves. People say an addict has to make the choice to get better themselves, but there also has to be an immediate choice available, as in a place for them to go once the choice has been made.
So, I urge you to listen, listen, listen to those suffering the most.
Yours in sorrow,
Lorraine Visser

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