February 25th, 2025

Liberal climate madness must be stopped

By Letter to the Editor on November 10, 2021.

We must first understand that what separates our amazing modern world from the medieval or even the stone Aage is today’s access to reliable, affordable and abundant energy. If that seems like hyperbole, consider that since man walked this earth, we lived in and survived earth’s harsh climate almost like animals until recently. In the last few centuries, what is called the industrial revolution has given an unprecedented leap forward in health, life expectancy and human welfare. And what made the industrial revolution happen was the utilization of coal to power man’s creativity. For the first time in human history we tapped into a reliable and concentrated energy source that changed all the rules.
Since that time, we have discovered oil and natural gas which are similar high-density energy sources. As the name suggests, fossil fuels provide today’s world with an unrivalled energy resource that was captured by living organisms from the sun millions of years ago. Organic power! Use of fossil fuels also made possible the creation of nuclear and scalable hydropower, all of which, provide more than 90 per cent of the world’s energy supply today.
Let’s now look at wind and solar attempts to provide alternative power. Over time, both typically provide a small fraction of their claimed output capacity and always require full backup from traditional sources because of their erratic, unpredictable performance.
They can best be described as parasites on any electrical grid to which they are connected. Not surprisingly, after decades and hundreds of billions of taxpayer subsidies, these two ugly, environment-threatening alternatives still provide less than three per cent of the world supply. In other words, there is simply no viable alternative to our traditional sources of energy at this time.
Now we see our Prime Minister strutting up to the Glasgow stage to effectively commit the lowly citizens of this cold country to energy poverty going forward. He appears to have absolutely no understanding of energy systems.
For him, what matters is to be able to wear a halo among his cocktail set. When keeping the lights on in our homes, hospitals and industry is seriously threatened by government mandate we have to respond. It is no exaggeration to call this latest government absurdity what it is, climate madness!
Lynn Thacker
Bow Island

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