February 25th, 2025

Alberta healthcare system rife with bullying and discrimination

By Letter to the Editor on November 25, 2021.

Love your neighbour?
With interest I have been reading your paper the last few weeks. Also the article about bullying! Now I am very disappointed with what is happening in our country.
Our health care and government is out of control with bullying and discrimination. With a capital letter! In the past year all the front line people did their utmost to care for the sick, and now…? The people who did not go to work because of the rules “got paid”, and now our health care has to get vaccinated or else…leave and no pay!
In the Nov. 10 paper Shannon Phillips mentioned about doctors leaving and the Bigelow Fowler clinic closed, but she did not say why. It’s because these doctors do not want to be bullied into taking the vaccination. So if more health people are being discriminated against they will leave. Being pushed or even having to pay for tests, people don’t want communism in the full daylight.
I agree with the letter in the Nov. 11 paper by Lynn Harrington, this is not the country we remember. I used to lead at meetings to sing O Canada, but now it will be Oh Oh Oh Canada!
Nellie Slingerland

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