By Letter to the Editor on January 5, 2022.
I notice a comment made by Dr. TailFeather’s daughter “ellemaijatailfeathers” on social media stating she thought it was “fair to assume” Lethbridge did not have enough warming shelters because the city did not care and because the people suffering were Indigenous!
She sent this to the “cityoflethbridge”. “Many of our people were turned away” and the Blood mobilized the “Friendship Center” to alleviate the problem, as if it took a mammoth effort to “save their people” from the dastardly Lethbridge.!
It would appear the TailFeathers family like making movies but also telling stories? Dr. TailFeathers herself decided in a SACPA video that 91 Indigenous people had died because “we” closed the SCS in Lethbridge which was at worst a lie, and at best a shot at Lethbridge that was untrue. During the period that Dr. TailFeathers insisted we caused the deaths of 91, there were 39 deaths among addicts in this community and not 100 per cent of these individuals were Indigenous.
What I personally do not understand is I have not seen either Dr. TailFeathers or her daughter, tell the world that the Blood is purposely boarding up buildings presently being used by addicts on the reserve, knowing full well that they only have one place to go – Lethbridge! Why have they not informed media of this injustice? They seem to like the media.
So Blood dumps all of the people that the Blood admininstration does not want into Lethbridge and then have their mouthpieces say we are not doing enough! Many people would not call the TailFeathers out on this for fear of being called a racist, or unfair? I am not like that: I prefer to call a spade a spade, and not a shovel, even if not socially acceptable to do so!
Lethbridge tries to keep up with “unloading of your people” – perhaps a memo beforehand telling us how many you intend on dumping this month may be in order?
At least then, we can prepare ourselves.
It must have been tough to get up on that high horse from which you preach!
Perhaps the both of you should come down now, and straighten out your own backyard.
I am willing to retract anything I have said with apology if wrong, are you?
Dennis Bremner