February 5th, 2025

Alberta needs to stick with homegrown leaders

By Lethbridge Herald on January 14, 2022.


Alberta for the past few years has used a formula of hiring federal retread ministers to lead the province and people to some form of leadership and prosperity.

As we can see, this formula is full of holes as our provincial finance picture is a complete collapse and the province is owing billions which your great-great grandchildren will carry throughout their working years.

The provincial monies have been thrown helter skelter by the billions to our USA cousins for a pipeline dream that we all knew would never evolve.

More millions have been handed out by the present government to the oil and gas barons to top up their bonuses for years to come.

What did the taxpayer get? Diddly squat and taxes that have slowly crept upward so the premier can feather his cronies’ nests. He also built up a war room to the tune of $30 million which needed his people to run and collect large pay cheques to boot.

Now he is proposing offices in various cities in the USA to build our economy. 

Try thinking up ways here in the province to employ people and build our economy through them.

Federal retread ministers who have functioned under the great financial umbrella in Ottawa see only dollars, like sugarplums dancing in their eyes, not the peoples’ wants or needs. 

They use various ruses through taxation to gain the dollars and then hand out great gobs of monies to con you in their ideals.

I say never again hire a federal retread minister to lead Alberta; stick to your homegrown men and women who understand the wants of the province and the needs of the people.

We once gain have that leader standing in the wings awaiting the next election, Mr. Brian Jean, an individual who has shown leadership qualities and political savvy before. 

He is homegrown and yours to elect.

Gerald Alkerton


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