February 25th, 2025

Truckers protest has been hijacked by right-wing agitators

By Lethbridge Herald on February 9, 2022.


Because we live in a free and democratic country, protests are tolerated without fear of serious retribution and persecution. Yet, signage and actions at the Ottawa event would suggest that some at least believe otherwise and have hijacked a genuine protest from unvaccinated truckers. 

How else to explain such statements suggesting that this would be “Canada’s 6th January”? (In reference to the storming of the US House a year ago.) 

Upside-down Maple Leaf flags alongside Confederate flags, obscene statements and threats directed at Trudeau, continual aggression directed at Ottawa citizens, desecration of national war memorials and the Terry Fox monument, demanding free meals and subsequently threatening an Ottawa soup kitchen’s employees, forcing the closure of at least one mall because of openly defying mask mandates and almost four full days of diesel belching trucks and honking of horns 24/7 interfering with thousands of downtown residents.

This is a movement that has been hijacked by right wing folk from both the U.S. and Canada including perhaps, several known agitator groups. 

The truckers having every right to protest, began their journey to demand changes to what they perceived to be an injustice. (I would disagree but still, I respect their right to protest.)

What has happened is that suddenly the original cause has become but one part of a far right rallying cry amidst calls for insurrection. A small minority but a dangerous one nonetheless.

Some (mostly anonymous) “commentators” in the Herald have demanded proof beyond relying on the CBC and other national broadcasters. 

Well, having returned from a two-months stay in Ottawa and after the weekend protests, I can confirm the aforementioned series of events outlined above, having witnessed most (but not all) of them. 

Residents have had enough, businesses have had enough and now (Feb. 3), Coutts, Alberta would appear to have had enough.

A well-organized means of protest has been infiltrated and the original intended message of the so called “trucker vaccine mandate” has been precluded, lost in the fog of “human rights violations” and other messages routinely sounded by the protesters. This despite the brandishing of swastikas fluttering from vehicles and persons.

As suggested earlier, people protesting about “freedoms” should expand their thinking and consider the very fact that we in Canada are free to protest and strike insulting rhetoric at elected officials without fear of repercussions – something which is lacking in many parts of the world. 

That said, every protest has a breaking point and that has been reached in Ottawa, Coutts and no doubt other locations across Canada.

There are some who sympathize with the truckers plight regarding vaccinations but considerably less, support the militant actions of the few.

I trust our MP also condemns such hateful rhetoric.

John P Nightingale


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