By Lethbridge Herald on February 25, 2022.
I am writing this letter as a reply to Tom Moffat’s Feb. 10 letter titled, “Conservatives are creating a bizarre world.” Tom makes a number of false claims and uses a number of logical fallacies, so much so that I would argue his letter is truly “bizarre.”
In his letter, Tom casts a large and hugely biased net, lumping an entire political group together with baseless claims such as “Conservatives are blatantly anti-health” and goes on to say “how did we reach a point where conservatives are calling for an end to health?” An end to health. Those darn conservatives, not wanting anyone to be healthy. What about Denmark, which removed all its restrictions and passport, deeming COVID not a critical threat? Or Norway, England or Sweden who have done the same?
Apparently, not wanting to live under permanent restrictions and heavy-handed mandates, for an illness that the vast majority of people recover from just fine is a just a conservative thing.
If that’s a conservative thing, what would you consider a “non-conservative thing”? Vaccine passes for the flu? Permanent mandates and restrictions based on a never-ending cycle of some people’s fear?
Here is the thing ,Tom: You can wear a mask whenever you want. You can cut your own contacts, you can isolate. You can follow all restrictions you wish. Your sentences such as “ws there a relaxation of the law preventing people from spitting on people” comparing that to the relaxing of the vaccine passport is utterly ridiculous.
What is truly bizarre is some people living in a permanent cycle of fear, pretending they have the moral high ground for constantly harping on people who want to return to normal which is most, if you would believe the Herald poll published on Feb. 10, where 72 per cent of 1,315 readers said they want to scrap the R.E.P program.
Maybe check some facts before you lump an entire political group together with your false and dramatic claims.
Bill Smith