February 25th, 2025

Striking U of L faculty need to get back to work

By Lethbridge Herald on March 10, 2022.

Doug Manderville’s March 4th letter “U of L students deserve to be educated for the tuition they have paid” was an awfully painful letter to read. My response is directed at picketing ULFA members feeling “overworked and underpaid”

If you really have the best interests of students” at heart, why didn’t you all plan your tantrum when the campus was shut due to COVID, or during the months of July and August after graduation and your obligation as educators to educate students had been fulfilled?

I’ll tell you why. Your BMW’s and Range Rovers needed a good run to the lake where the fun, frolic, boat and cabin await. 

I did some simple math, based on one of you drawing a salary of $175,000 annual (low) courtesy me and every other taxpayer. 

As anyone looking in on thesalary disclosure document knows, very few of you are in the under $200,000 salary range. I’m being generous.

Regardless, $175,000 over 12 months gets you a monthly pay cheque of $14,583.00. Daily, based on a 30 day month, you rake in $486 – daily!

Calculated, on a five day working week, you’re being paid $60.75 hourly. I’m asking my fellow taxpayers – who made/makes that kind of money, then complained/complains about being overworked, and underpaid?

I pity you all, I sympathize with not one of you. I save my sympathies for hard-working people scraping together a life, some pouring their hearts into three jobs at minimum wage, making nothing in the range of $60.75 and more, an hour. Some of you make well over $100 an hour. How disgusting is that? 

Do you have egos that big you think you earn it or you’re worth that largess?

Need I remind anyone, not yet connecting with the waste, greed and ugliness, there’s librarians at Uof L making near and over $300,000 annual. My Friends at Chinook Arch, how do you feel about that?

Score ULFA #1, Students #2. 

ULFA, get back to work and realize the damage your greed is causing this community, and the future of students you deny advanced education too.

A.W. Shier


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