February 5th, 2025

Language used about Bowman raises concern

By Lethbridge Herald on March 18, 2022.


After reading the Herald’s March 9 article on the future of the Bowman, I was angered to read that Mike Bruised Head, Travis Plaited Hair and Tanya Pace Crosschild appeared to use a type of language that would guilt or threaten progress on native reconciliation issues.

“Rejection perception in the community,” implied “negative far-reaching implications,” “NIMBY” seem to be used to press for a free building or previous work and good relations may be ruined. 

The native bands have huge purchasing power.

Remember every reserve receives hundreds of millions of dollars every year that could be used for the good of their band members. They can well afford to purchase land, build and operate a building on their own if they want to. The City should not be responsible to provide a building.

I agree with continued encouragement, education, emotional support and mentoring to advance positive changes as the City works together with native interests. Just make sure they bring their checquebook, please!

P. Kenny


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