December 27th, 2024

MP Thomas not accurate

By Lethbridge Herald on April 7, 2022.


Recently Rachael Thomas read out to Parliament, the definition of the term dictator. 

The definition stated that a dictator obtains absolute power over a country by force. 

Ms. Thomas then goes on to draw the conclusion, based on this definition, that Mr. Trudeau is a dictator, and that “many Canadians” believe he is a dictator. (She failed to state statistics on the number of Canadians hold this view.)

Unless I have been unaware of recent history in Canada, Mr. Trudeau obtained the position of prime minister in a free and fair election. 

Am I missing something here? This does not look like seizing power by force. Nor does the recent agreement between the Liberal and NDP parties.

I wonder if Ms Thomas has been drinking too much of the “trucker convoy Kool-aid .“

 I am embarrassed that my MP does not possess higher levels of reason or logic in this case.

Paul Ciesla


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Fedup Conservative

Great comments Paul. As the former MLAs from the Lougheed era taught me. Don’t ever trust a Reformer. They will tell you or do anything to obtain power or keep power. Danielle Smith and Brian Jean are two defeated Reformers yet they still want another chance to spread their lies once again.

The true conservatives in my world are pleased that Trudeau and Singh have shown that they do care about the well being of all Canadians and are willing to hold each other accountable to make certain they do what the people want.

It’s these damn Reformers who want total power, a Dictatorship, like we have see with Kenney. Treating doctors, nurses, teachers and students as third class citizens while they fire the head of the Head Care System.
What is a Wrongful Dismissal Lawsuit going to cost taxpayers. We bet there is one. They won’t listen to anyone and look at the mess they have created.
Yet we still have stupid seniors supporting them, why?

old school

Check out bill c11 and explain the freedom there.

Les Elford


Southern Albertan

Again, Ms Thomas is a sad reflection of right wing extremism, which factors into the divide and infighting in Canadian conservatism these days. It certainly promotes the, inability, to govern.
And re: Bill C11, it sort of fizzled out when it was not passed before the dissolution of parliament last fall, “saw limited debate at second reading and never reached committee study.” Where ‘freedom’, glaringly, comes into play these days, is the vicious attack on Ukraine by Russia….certainly puts real ‘freedom’ into perspective.

Les Elford

The current Liberal government was voted in by less than one third of the voting population. How does that happen? Cause it the way we always administered politics in Canada and heaven forbid ; …… we can’t change that. Now the Liberals and the NDP have formed a coalition, an alliance.

Both parties will provide enough political doublespeak and baffle gab to try to convince you it is not a real coalition. So what is it then? A pretend coalition?

Simply put; it is a power grab.

Mrs. Thomas was not the first and only one to call Mr. Trudeau a dictator for ordering the illegal and unconstitutional Emergencies Act. Although he was or was attempting to enact more and more dictatorial -like policies on all of us long before and continues to this day.

And why should we be so surprised? He has repetitively stated how enamoured he is with the dictatorial policies and procedures of China and Cuba. Countries like Russia with little respect for the value of human life and human rights.

I can just image Mr. Trudeau and his pals cowering in a corner saying “the bouncy castles are coming….. , the bouncy castles are coming, run… hide insult these terrorists and inflict the Emergency Act upon them!, Freeze those bank accounts from those awful people who have dared to express disagreement with me. I can’t talk or meet with them to listen to, mediate, resolve their concerns, no, I am a leader, and …they are terrorists with bouncy castles. I must teach them and everyone else, if you don’t agree with me, I’ll freeze your bank account too”

Numerous foreign media sources have called Mr. Trudeau out for his dictatorial like behaviour as well as EU MP’s and good on them.


Les Elford

Southern Albertan

If it is, really, desired, for the voting system to change, a suggestion for change would be to bring in a form of proportional representation. A pertinent example is the one in New Zealand. There is awareness though, that Trudeau would not want proportional representation, he wanted a ranked ballot system, which, if it would have been in effect in 2015, would have given the Liberals even more of a majority yet….and, the Conservatives would probably not, support any electoral reform at all. It could be said then, that those who support the Conservatives, should be satisfied with the electoral status quo. 🙂
And remember? The deal between the Liberals and the NDP is not a “coalition.” This is a really good explanation:
“No, the Liberals and the NDP did not form a coalition. Here’s why”

Les Elford

Thank you

Ben Matlock

Les, what constitutional provisions does the Emergencies Act violate, and in what way is that piece of legislation “illegal”?


RE: Paul Ceisla, “We see, hear, feel, and experience”, as a general populous, the dictorial characteristic(s) of Justin Trudeau. From his “above the law” and flagrant “professional ethics” violations (3) charges while in office, to his enactment of the recent “War Measures Act” and practically everything in between. Our MP Rachael Thomas has properly and accurately defined our present Prime Minister as a “Dictator” even though he was, democratically been elected as Mr. Ceisla states in his dissertation, however several world Dictators have as well been democratically elected throughout history.

We are proud to have MP Rachael Thomas as our representative and support and respect her.

Last edited 2 years ago by HaroldP
pursuit diver

War Measures Act! There is no comparison to the Emergencies Act and the War Measures Act!
I remember when the military hit the streets across Canada and know all too well what the ‘ROE’s’ for engagement were, so if you are trying to compare the two, then you are need to do some serious research!
There were no military involved to start with, which is the basis of the War Measures Act! You must drink from the same trough as the MP!

Fedup Conservative

So you would rather have a Reformer in charge praising criminals, costing taxpayers millions of dollars, stocking up on weapons to use against anyone who didn’t support them and destroying our Public Health Care System so you will have to pay $800. to $1,000. per month for health care like my American relatives. I guess we know how smart you are don’t we?
Jason Kenney must be proud of you for wanting to kick out the RCMP , privatize our health care, destroy our water supply with coal pollution, allow him to give away billions of taxpayers oil and tax wealth, while widows, and widowers seniors try to figure out how they are going to survive.

John P Nightingale

And who is “we” exactly? Many of “us” do not “support” or “respect” her.


The “We” are the obvious and overwhelming majority of us who supported our MP Rachael (HARDER/THOMAS) during her landslide victory at the polls! Did the Liberal blinders you wear, miss that as well?

Fedup Conservative

Do you mean like the overwhelming majority of Albertans who supported Jason Kenney and now tell us that they wished they hadn’t and have no intention of doing it again?

pursuit diver

Agreed! The PC’s were hoping to see Trudeau removed from office by supporting the extremist Freedom Convoy nutcases, since the PC’s didn’t have a hope of winning a ‘democratic’ election! I wonder if any conversations went on by the PC’s with Trump!
One good thing, if things really hit the fan in Canada, we now know many of the insurrectionists who exposed themselves in these protests. I, like many burned my PC membership card and demanded my name be removed from the membership. It is embarrassing to have such an MP representing us. They completely ignored all of the pleas from those that were even losing their livelihoods from the blockades and the Ottawa protests.
What about the people that were threatened and residents that feared going out, in the Ottawa protest area, which is said to have a population of 50,000 that were impacted and driven to the brink of insanity from the constant noise.
Did you notice all the truckers semi trucks and over-sized pick-ups that clearly had multiple violations of mufferless straighpipe exhausts, illegal lights on front of trucks, no mudflaps so gravel is picked up and thrown in the air as the drive, hitting windshields and chipping paint on vehicles, etc.?
They want to be renegades since they have no respect for their fellow man! That is the ‘FREEDOM’ they want! The wild wild west! This is who the PC’s supported! I would estimate the costs to be well over $1billion from revenue losses and increased enforcement costs.
I support legal protests! This was far from illegal and showed a deep and growing problem in this country as US radicals embed their beliefs into our society!
To Harold P. – I am glad you didn’t win a seat on Council. We now know where you stand!

Fedup Conservative

Boy have you got it right. I cut up my P.C. card years ago when the Reformers starting with Ralph Klein took over and began destroying this province. The former MLAs I got to know were right.

It’s easy to tell a Reformer from a true conservative . The Reformers help their rich friends steal our oil and tax wealth to try to buy votes while the true conservatives collect proper royalties and taxes and treat the people with dignity and respect, including doctors, nurses, and teachers. The most important people in our lives.

pursuit diver

The UCP appears to moving to privatize EMS and healthcare as well. Has anyone looked at the hundreds of US private hospitals that closed and hundreds more in bankruptcy after COVID hit and they couldn’t perform surgeries and treatments that generated revenue for them?
This is what the UCP wants for Albertan’s! EMS transporting trauma patients past close hospitals to a hospital that will take people with premium health insurance!
There is only one thing I appreciated when the Harper government was in power: Fast tracking badly needed armoured vehicles, helicopters and other kit for our soldiers that were sent to the Afghan war with Illtus jeeps which were nothing more than dune buggies with tarps and no armour, green camou uniforms that stood out in sand/dirt landscapes of Afghaniston, no air support/transportation forcing our troops to drive on heavily AED laden roads for long distances and on and on after decades of the Liberals bankrupting our military, then sending them to war with dilapidated kit. But our troops did their jobs with pride, with the crap they were sent with. I did praise the Harper goverment for that. They got them the equipment they needed fast!
It all went downhill after that though, once the Reformer policies became more evident!
I have never voted for NDP and have always been a TRUE Conservative, meeting PM John Defienbaker as a child, when he came through Lethbridge by train, a whistle-stop on the election trail, BUT if there were promises not to open another SCS and abort the failed harm reduction programs and focus on efffective treatment and firm policing to take back our streets, I would vote NDP, because the AB NDP is the closest party on the spectrum scale to what the true Conservative party was. Never thought I would consider voting NDP, never!

Fedup Conservative

My late parents and two sisters spent countless hours volunteering for the Lougheed and Getty governments. A brother in-law voluntarily flew the government plane for them and never got paid a dime. Lougheed’s energy minister Bill Dickie was a brother in-law of one of my uncles. Dad , over the years, donated around $30,000. to their party and we were all proud that he did it.
We had known the Klein family since the early 1960s. In fact my mother and Klein’s mother Flo were good friends. We knew what a jerk Ralph was and certainly had no intention in supporting him as premier. Even his mother said she didn’t think he was capable of running this province properly and his father Phil and daughter Angie tried to help us vote him out. Klein always bragged about being a Liberal and Angie confirmed it in her interview in 2015.I know what the MLAs I got to know thought about what he was doing to this province. I had lunch once a month for about six years with one of them, until he told me he couldn’t stay and watch how Klein was destroying all the good they had created for the people and moved to B.C. American oilmen that i was involved with called us the dumbest people on the planet for allowing Klein to give away our oil and gas wealth.

However as premier he brought Steph Harper and Preston Manning’s Reform Party Polices to the table. Using the peoples oil and tax wealth to buy votes and ramming privatization down our throats to make up for the hundreds of billions they gave away, and the stupid Albertans let him do it, and look at the financial mess we are in because of it.
When a group of us tried to point out to our fellow seniors what he was doing to us we got called Liars, Traitors, Communists, Left Wing Nuts, Lefties, Closet Liberals and now the fools supporting another Liberal turned Reformer in Jason Kenney have added Socialists to the list. Just too damn dumb to understand what he is doing to them and you know who I mean.
In 2003 former premier Don Getty told me that inviting Liberal Ralph Klein into the Alberta Conservative Party was the dumbest thing he ever did, and I certainly agreed. I wonder what he would have thought about Jason Kenney. .