By Lethbridge Herald on April 7, 2022.
Recently Rachael Thomas read out to Parliament, the definition of the term dictator.
The definition stated that a dictator obtains absolute power over a country by force.
Ms. Thomas then goes on to draw the conclusion, based on this definition, that Mr. Trudeau is a dictator, and that “many Canadians” believe he is a dictator. (She failed to state statistics on the number of Canadians hold this view.)
Unless I have been unaware of recent history in Canada, Mr. Trudeau obtained the position of prime minister in a free and fair election.
Am I missing something here? This does not look like seizing power by force. Nor does the recent agreement between the Liberal and NDP parties.
I wonder if Ms Thomas has been drinking too much of the “trucker convoy Kool-aid .“
I am embarrassed that my MP does not possess higher levels of reason or logic in this case.
Paul Ciesla