February 24th, 2025

Who does the UCP want to help? Oil companies or Albertans?

By Lethbridge Herald on April 27, 2022.


The province just moved to help people paying high fuel prices by lowering gas taxes. Checking on gas prices this weekend, it seems none of this tax break was going to Albertans. After a few days of lower prices, gas stations are right back to the same high cost per litre and the ongoing tax break is lining oil companies’ pockets. 

Better methods of helping people deal with high fuel costs are needed. The government should consider giving rebates to people who purchase more fuel-efficient cars or trucks, especially hybrids or fully electric vehicles, like other provinces do. Having a vehicle that uses half the gas, or even no gas, would really help our wallets. A provincial rebate, combined with the federal rebate, has been proven to assist many more drivers adopt efficient vehicles in provinces that have this policy. 

In addition to saving on fuel, electric vehicles have less emissions, even if they use the dirtiest type of electrical grid. They have a total cost of ownership that’s cheaper than a similar size of ICE vehicle. 

The question is, who does the Alberta provincial government really want to help? Fossil fuel companies or Albertans?

Tom Moffatt


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