By Lethbridge Herald on May 4, 2022.
On a recent visit to downtown Lethbridge, I parked my vehicle, paid for 30 minutes at a parking kiosk, and went about my business. My appointment took longer than anticipated and when I returned to my vehicle it had been ticketed. I guess you could say that because my time had expired, my vehicle was “illegally” parked. I regard this as an egregious and appalling act of government over-reach, perpetrated by an agent of the state on a hard-working, mostly law-abiding, tax-paying Albertan. I thought that Canada was a free country which means, among other things, that I should be able to park my vehicle anywhere I choose. I’m almost certain that my constitutional and Charter rights were violated. I say “almost” because I haven’t actually fully read either document.
C.N.R. Stewart