By Lethbridge Herald on June 17, 2022.
A recent Herald poll asked the question “Should Canada invest more in its military given world events?” The conclusion published in the June 10th edition of the paper was 80 per cent Yes and 20 per cent No.
So, eight out of 10 who responded have no trouble adding to an already outrageous military budget dropping more into the sordid bucket, millions undoubtedly used to refine the way humans kill those they disagree with. Horrible!
What more could we conclude;: armies are trained to kill, not negotiate, that is (was) the job we expected of our politicians, which sadly most fail at doing.
Near the eve Canadians celebrate the joyous day of the year we stage parades throwing candy to happy kids, the rest of us championing/cheering all things Canadian, I am disappointed to no end to learn that 80 per cent of my fellow Canadians choose to dedicate more of their diminishing tax dollars to train other Canadians to kill those in foreign lands, our politicians have been unsuccessful in extending a hand to in friendship.
We apparently haven’t learned much from history knowing that the path to peace was rarely, if ever, paved through controlling, maiming or killing, those we disagree(d) with!
A.W. Shier