February 4th, 2025

Beeber and the NIMBYs should leave the homeless alone

By Lethbridge Herald on July 14, 2022.


Mr. Beeber and friends need to get down off their high horses and off the backs of people less fortunate. 

His concern for the “safety” of mothers and children in the past several years is deceptive. People without a permanent residence have a right not to be hassled by the NIMBYs and the self-righteous, who have granted themselves the authority to be the “deciders.” 

Many Lethbridge citizens are willing to allow the unfortunate few rights to minimal temporary residence within our parks and most of those residents just want to be left alone. 

However, there are a few – like Mr. Beeber – who feel it their right to persecute anyone who does not live up to his selfish “safety concerns.” 

Mr. Beeber likes to pretend all mothers’ children’s safety in Lethbridge are threatened by residents of tents in parks, and lump the drug dealers within these camps. 

It peeves me to have to remind the NIMBYs and Mr. Beeber that the dangerous big dealers can afford to hide in classier huts.

 I include the dealers in various legal business activities quoted in your newspaper as untouchable; some who steal from widows and pensioners. Those who Mr. Oler says “can’t be traced,” his suggestion: fix the system. Fix the cause, not the results – stop hassling the victims.

D. Ryane


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