February 24th, 2025

Thomas’ statement about Trudeau an exaggeration

By Lethbridge Herald on September 21, 2022.


In her most recent column (Sept. 3), our Member of Parliament, Rachael Thomas, states: “From day one, the Prime Minister’s strategy was to divide Canadians, stigmatize anyone who failed to hold his ideals, and pit regions of our country against each other.”

Surely this can’t be true! What would it gain Trudeau or the Liberals to do such a thing? Ms. Thomas’s statement is an exaggeration surely? 

And exaggeration is a departure from the truth.

I count at least five similarly exaggerated attacks on the Liberals in the first half of her column.

I’ve heard it said of Alberta’s beloved wilderness story-teller, Andy Russell, that he never let the truth stand in the way of a good story. 

Exaggeration has its place, it seems to me, when you’re sitting around a campfire telling grizzly bear stories. But it reflects badly on politicians.

In politics, exaggeration is intended to mislead the public. It is a form of dishonesty, which seems to be rampant in politics these days. As voters and taxpayers, we want to be told the truth, not have it hidden by our representatives in order to fool us. Exaggeration in politics also damages the tale-teller’s credibility.

The last half of Ms. Thomas’s column, it seems to me, is a perfectly reasonable criticism of the government’s mishandling of a bad funding decision they made.

 The problem is whether or not her account is credible, given the unfair nature of the first part of her column.

Ms. Thomas is certainly not unique among politicians in making exaggerated claims. I’m aware that a lot of politicians do this. It’s part of the “us” versus “them” and never-mind-the-country that has become so much a part of politics these days and is so damaging to our democracy.

Ms. Thomas accuses the prime minister of “dividing” Canadians. But isn’t that exactly what Conservatives and others like Ms. Thomas are doing these days?

She concludes her column, though, with something I can agree with, when she writes. “Keep it truthful. After all, honesty is the best policy…” Good advice, Ms. Thomas. Take it.

Dave Sheppard


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