February 24th, 2025

City council should rescind Enmax Centre parking fee

By Lethbridge Herald on December 3, 2022.


Recently the Lethbridge Hurricanes indicated attendance is down 300 – 400 per game as a result of the City implementing a $5/game parking charge. It’s time for council to reconsider and eliminate this charge. 

Does the money collected each game cover the lost concession revenue from having 300 – 400 less people/game? In addition to the team losing out on merchandise sales.

Five dollars may seem a small price to pay but tell that to a family who potentially will be able to attend fewer games than usual. 

 I wonder if Jeff Carlson and his fellow councillors who voted in favour of this charge follow his advice when travelling on City business: “If the parking fee was divided by a van load of nine people the cost per each person attending an event would be minimal.”

Rick Czarny


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Citi Zen

Yeah, right. Attended the walking group at the soccer center on Thursday. 2 dollars to walk, 10 dollar parking ticket.
Another City money grab. We will never return…..