February 24th, 2025

Victim mentality sucks the joy and life out of Canadian society

By Lethbridge Herald on December 14, 2022.


Has our society developed a culture of victim mentality? Do we blame others for the way our lives are? 

Do we feel powerless to address life’s problems on our own? Do we feel attacked when someone criticizes our actions? Are we unable to make life changes aside from external pressure? 

Victim mentality is a learned behaviour. Canadian society seems fixated on the pain of suffering. If you are a member of a racial or minority group you have suffered. Whether it is gender, age, mental condition, physical health, disability . . . the list can be endless, we all have suffered pain at the hands of others. We seek to wear it as a sign of our identity. Our group is innocent; everyone else is guilty of oppressing us! The system is against us. 

We are reactive instead of proactive. We demand recompense! This attitude has distorted our view of reality. It has blinded us to our own capabilities to control our lives. It magnifies the harm done to us.

The blame for our condition lies exclusively with other people. It breeds complete distrust of others. Eventually it will suck the joy of life from us because we cannot see the blessings of life.

Richard Dietrich


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But Richard, being a ” victim” pays ! There ar far too many people who are prepared to write a cheque on the taxpayers account or to wipe out any transgression by another by blaming their own ancestors for some unproven or imagined wrong.
Until people challenge some of these claims and tell the ” victim” to get their own house in order the lineup to claim wrongdoing will grow longer and longer.

BTW, I feel horribly victimized by all these victims and demand compensation !!