February 24th, 2025

Any thoughts on the organic collections program

By Lethbridge Herald on January 12, 2023.


We are guessing most city residents have read the Calgary residential organic collection rate is increased to $10 a month. 

So what are your expectations of this city’s monthly organic collection rate? On reading the Waste Management report of April 13, 2022 to the City Economic Standing Policy Committee in response to Rajko Dodic’s questions on the proposed City organic program, the cost per tonne is $319 per tonne for their report of 3,000 residential tonnes. 

But they did not mention the $1.5 million in tipping fees.

What was good reading is that the cost to individual residents would be $5 per month. Do you believe it? It would be best if you did not. To give an example, the fabulous residential curbside recycling program was to cost $7 monthly, then changed to $5.50 by Waste Management.

 City Council approved the program and rate – check your past two year’s recycling billing and present monthly bill. The city council is the authority to approve rates. They have no authority in the landfill. They turned that over to the Director of Infrastructure, Bylaw 6146 – they only approve rates and bylaws.

It would be interesting to hear your comments.

Ken Ikle

Committee for Residential Utilities (Lethbridge)

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Citi Zen

Nothing more than the waste management unit in City Hall trying to justify their jobs by making more revenue for the City.


would you think it is the responsibility of the City council to declare a refund to the Residential group of the $716,000,00 profit of the recyclable sales 2021 from the Residential-owned Materials Recycle Facility (MRF) you pay debt payments on? What do you say


The residentials do not realize that they are charged a monthly recycling fee of $9.00.,look at your bills The actual charge is $5.00 monthly. The City Council has the authority to make bylaw changes but there is no application by Waste Management to Council for a residential collection rate increase to $9.00 or City Council approval. You have the entitlement to claim the $4.99 a month as a misappropriated fee charge for over two years


Well worth a viewing. A sacrament of the green religion.