February 24th, 2025

Old City system worked better for taxpayers

By Lethbridge Herald on January 18, 2023.


It was a refreshing story in our local paper, the children being chosen to name the City Snow plows, a wonderful idea! However, it’s too bad that they will never live up to the names as for plowing. I have resided on 26 St. S. for 22 years and I have yet to see a plow pass through our street.

It’s a rare novelty to even see a sand truck drop his teaspoon of sand on our snow-covered and ice-laden roadway that we have to drive through the ice ruts each winter. I have called the City service 311 in the past and had the pleasure of speaking to a very pleasant voice requesting some of the City service which the City boasts so highly of but am still awaiting this marvelous service they speak of. 

On our street we needed a waterway opened as our streets are flooding and my request was for a grader type equipment. I guess that’s taxes at work.

The older system whereby we had access to specific numbers for service worked so well yet the City saw fit to change to this newer service. I’m sure all those offices still have their specific phones in service and us taxpayers pay for, but have no access to any more.

I strongly suggest the City review the older system again for the express purpose of the taxpayer. The “Old is New again’ is a great adage.

AG Alkerton


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bravo! amusing and yet nails at least one significant issue: the lack of care of our roads. the central directory number may be a concern, but much less so. as our taxes get pumped up – and yes, we had a few years reprieve, but we were already among the most highly taxed populace in the province at that time – the city cuts back on essential services whilst still throwing money at our sundry wants.
with regard to the issue of poor and even dangerous roads, it is rather ironic we are forced to shovel city sidewalks, under threat of fine, no less, but the city leaves most of our roads to nature. a most unusually prolonged warm spell has still not been enough to de-ice the snow pack. thus, in addition to the lack of enforcement/oversight of sidewalks being kept clear, the pedestrian is too often even at more risk when trying to move about the city because the city does not groom the majority of it roads anymore. thus, when a pedestrian is needing to leave sidewalks, they must then encounter our slippery, ice rutted roads…save for those that have magic shoes or carpets that allow them to float above the danger. and, while shake, rattle and roll is great song, we can discuss that reality in terms of the further nasty wear and tear costs on our cars from the deep ruts another time.
the solution: we pay to have the city groom all roads after a certain accumulation of snow, we have the city clear all sidewalks so as to keep things consistently safe, and if necessary, we cut back on some wants/go to pay for use.

Last edited 2 years ago by biff